What year on record has been the warmest for global warming?

Correct answer: 2015

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What people think about it: 31 Comments
Both sides of this argument believe the other side has their head in a very dark place... with that being said, my honesty feeling is that climate change is real, been going on for millions, if not billions of years, man DOES have a small role in its current manifestation, but the politics behind it are simply a matter of the distribution of wealth.
Peter Montgomery
Peter Montgomery
PanhandleGuy, you should check up to date reputable science RE this and explore accurate documentaries evidencing our massive impact since industrial revolution and particularly last 50 years ... we could do and have to take serious action to address issues tackle pollution preserve our environments develop new sustainable green technologies ..which will be job creating in long run .. and enable us to have a livable home planet for our future .. our children and future generations .... sticking out heads in the sand and ignoring problems is not the answer neither is letting power politics money and greed rule our world nor is ignorance and dogma
Global warming happens naturally every 300 years. Geologist believe due to man's donating of carbon dioxide in to our ecosystem is only bad for us to live in. Humans r so fragile. It just sucks that man doesn't think beyond what's good for man.
TaylorConsulting, I’m an environmental scientist and I can assure you that is a very ignorant position. The Earth changes climate naturally very gradually due to orbital cycles - we’re talking about fractions of a degree in tens of thousands of years. In the past 100 years, humans have managed to increase global temperatures by 1.1°C, which in climatology is huge. Also, if we take into account the natural cycles of Earth, we should be in a period of cooling right now. It’s ignorance like that that’s putting the planet in the very precarious position that we’re experiencing right now.
Player #8988878Xet
Player #8988878Xet
It's very real...what's unreal...is people thinking it's a hoax.
TaylorConsulting, Current evidence is clear, the huge increase in human population clearly has had a far reaching and possibly irreversible effect on our climate. Far from having a minor effect, human action is crrently the main driving force behind climate change.
Player Elf Counsel
Player Elf Counsel
GargantuanMagic15299, Haven't they seen the glaciers melting? Or the massive ice shelves calving? Oh. I know. It's all fake news.
just keep picking the most recent year. Technically I think 2018 has exceeded 2015. in fact I think every year since 2015 has been a record breaker.
we are slowly but surely killing our planet faster than many of us will ever understand
Maddog, I agree. It's like saying you don't believe in gravity.
pete the BLUE
pete the BLUE
there's quite a few questions needing updating.
As of December 2023, that record will be shattered by 2023.
Player #3833664, like this one, for example
A number of years ago I was unsure if global warming was real but there is now too much SCIENTIFIC evidence to dispute that it is real. Mostly the superpowers are contradicting the facts so they can continue to build their economies on fossil fuels. Don't they care about their children's futures? PS I'm not an environmental warrior!
I Googled this Info. it said 2016 was the Warmest Year it has been since 175 Yrs ago. make up your mind was it 2015 or 2016. the Year 2016 Seemed much Hotter to me.
Tina M.
Tina M.
Player Elf Counsel, While on an Alaskan cruise, I witnessed the glaciers melting and crashing into the water. Beautiful, but very sad!! People need to realize how we are doing so much harm by ignoring how we're contributing to this.
consensus is NOT science .Chec
Player #11400642
Player #11400642
Spectraaus, if you're an ES, you're not very good at it. The average global temperature between an ice age and an inter-glacial period is about 6 C (11 F). The onset of cyclic global glacial periods occurs over hundreds of years and we are due to do so inside the.next 1000 years. The question is have humans beat the Earth's billion year old ability to recover from the severe perturbation of 200 years of global consumption of fossil fuels. You do no service for the real science of climatology by making stuff up.
Lady Wolf Moon
Lady Wolf Moon
2021 was the hottest year on record. Time to update this question.
Player #32567393, it is densely populated countries trying to modernize using fossil fuels that contribute much, but not all to the current problem. and of course greed
Spectraaus, we have to get this right. there is no plan B
mali ampttt
Player #32567393
Player #32567393
Peter Montgomery, I agree with you Peter Montgomery. The major problem is the love of money. I wouldn’t complain if we went back to the horse & cart to deal with exhaust fumes causing pollution. I realise that can’t be done, too many jobs lost. With the advent of the electric car, this would tackle exhaust pollution. It’s so much more than that, however. 😎
Player #2512936
Player #2512936
The earth is Home! It needs to be Take Care of. Not throw garbage all over The place. Do Not reproduce exponentally. No one should have more Than two Kids unless they are adopted. Recycling is very Important. The people Who can do The Most are doing The least. All they Care about is Money.
Player #2456261
Player #2456261
near absolute consensus from experts say human activity has caused our current crisis, yet people still think it's made up...
Player #8258475
Player #8258475
AFmedic, T.W.A.T
Player Elf Counsel, it's mother earth doing what she always has
of course it is real
Player #4263904, Well said!
Needs updating. 2018 holds the record now. For the moment.
questionableYo,man29, very well said!