When is the last time the calendar went 8 years without a leap year?
Correct answer: 1896-1904

Very interesting. I never knew that.

astonishing! never heard of that

Wow, that is interesting! Never heard that before, just thought it was every four years!

good knowledge

Player: Coco
To me, the answer "implied" the next non-leap year is 3000, but it's actually in 2100. Not to matter - I won't live it but perhaps my kids & grandkids will. Interesting question - I learn a lot with this game.

Player #6959740
leap year is to do with earth's orbit around the sun

I wrote a computer program wants to figure this out. Leap year isn't too bad it's Easter that's the bad calculations. but that's another story.

Interesting! I love to learn something new every day

Well shiver my timbers!!!

Angel fighting Dragons
Imagine having a bday on that date and not being able to celebrate your birthday for 8 years🤯

Miss Sue
Mans ego monumental. 1st.he makes up time than he makes up rules for it.

space cowboy
I knew this because I have a bank book of my grandma's from 1899-1900 that has a calendar for the next 100 years and the leap years didn't match up until I found the missing one in1900

Now if people could only get the last year of a decade/century/millennium correct.

I never knew that! I thought it was a leap year every four years. 😳

Ya learn something new everyday. Kudos!

Republic of China
Fun Fact
According to History.com, about 4.1 million people around the world have been born on Feb. 29, and the chances of having a leap birthday are one in 1,461.

Interesting. Shame we will not be around in 3000 to experience that.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Angel fighting Dragons, That would be a difficult one to explain. Getting married on leap year was bad enough!

Tito Toy 61
Stunning! Never heard it before

Michele Mobamba
Easter is easy.
First Sunday after first full moon in spring.

I'm a Geniack!