She is instantly recognizable as Queen. But Queen of how many countries?
Correct answer: 16

Player #25874027
Player Freewoman,
If you think about the recent history of many of the former colonies or territories- Uganda , Zimbabwe, Aden(South Yemen) etc, why would you not want a Head of State who is not corrupt or politically motivated, but is universally respected

HipsterGuitarist9579, well they are free she is just a figure head same in UK no power just respect

she is my Queen and will remain so until one of goes.

Sadly missed. She devoted her life to her duty & us right until the end.

Player #55741825
Dayrell, And you can apply this to many other countries ie Spain ,France,Greece,,Italy,Holland,ect ect all countries have strived to be the empire of the world,but the grace of Queen Elizabeth is she recognised the need to allow the various nations to be independent but united ,the common wealth was our late queen’s legacy

The tentacles of POWER and Dominance that the Queen who symbolizes the pure hypocrisy of the Independence that these Countries had to endure such plunder thievery enslavement n utter destruction of the cultures that lasted for Centuries!! Enuff said

Update: nix Barbados

how is she still queen of all the countries that have gained independence?

Player #16769347
Player. Hugh, Barbados is also independent

Player. Hugh
504native, 1962 Trinidad and Tobago got independance also

w21m, she is bound by precedent and lucky cat fay is effectively quite right

luckycatfay, actually she does have power, no new laws.can be made without the queens authority, as she is the head of the house of Lord's, so check your I do dude before you preach

Happy New year 🎉

Player #355475
Player #81085, I thought free and independent