How long does it take for sea glass to be created naturally in the ocean?
Correct answer: Over 20 years

Would have been helpful to have described how it is formed!

Lea , It is formed from pieces of broken bottles, etc., that are weathered by the sea.

Lea , trash bottles that are thrown, or washed, into the ocean!
The waves polish it to smooth pieces and shining luster!
Glass Beach, in California is a big tourist attraction, but it is illegal to take the glass off the beach there!

Lea , Google it my friend, I love this game but all the non explanation is very frustrating!

Player #55741825
From sand and then erosion

Player #147481537
LillySparrow, great explanation Lilly

I don't usually criticize the questions, but an explanation of what sea glass is would have been helpful. I had never heard of it before.

From Googling; Sea glass is created when broken glass is discarded into the ocean and transformed by the water, rocks, and sand. The glass is tumbled and ground by the waves, and buried in the sand and uncovered repeatedly. This process chemically alters the glass and gives it a smooth, frosted appearance and rounded edges.
It is also sometimes called “drift glass”.
Sea glass can come from many different types of glass, including bottles, dishes, marbles, windows, and ornamental items. It can be found in many shapes and sizes, including rounds, bubbles, boulders, and tops. A quality piece of sea glass has smooth, frosted edges and no shiny spots.

TEZA, east coast of england

Lea , oh and glass, is infinitely recyclable, will eventually break down to it's components, sand and various minerals that make the colours.

Lea , obsidian, volcanic glass, is a whole different thing.

Lea ,a bit of extra trivia, glass, made by humans is still a liquid. It flows, one of my jobs as a child was turning the glass in our 200 year plus windows. noticeable difference between the bottom and the top.

Memoona ♥️
I learnad alot from the comments here 💫

ive seen these sea glasses in sri lanka sea shores

pranksterwankstar55, when struck by lightening, but that's not this.

Pieter, yes I confirm 20 years
in the sea I've never witnessed
or seen this but apparent
sand can produce glass or

Abby ann
Lea , that’s true

Player #27392991
I find plenty of sea glass where I live each piece is like a work of art every color from Green cobalt blue to red orange is a rare color and collectors look for it

Player #28048781
Wow I never knew that something like sea glass even existed!!!

Banksy Art, if glass is made from sand then why not find a way to recycle it back to the beach. Instead of just keep taking start replacing?

Srd, it is real glass to begin with and often used in jewelry

Srd, decorative glass!
they are pretty and can be used for simple home decorations and hobbies!
Birds and other marine animals put some in their nests, and some animals are attracted to its colors, like pack rats, etc.!

Player #25874027
Lea ,
Deleted messages in bottles!!

Thanks, Laura.

I've seen some on the shore or in the shallow water near the shore they're colorful