When did the Plague Riot occur?
Correct answer: 1771

Destino Manifesto
Unknown to me until now. This game can be educational. 😬

Player en_846
Now we know to wear a mask, keep your distances, and wash your hands to suppress transmission. Pretty simple

what is it that history does?? ...ummm... can't remember. oh yes! I remember now! History repeats itself!

ShellSeller, this is does sound awfully familiar

Player #8197877
Never heard of this before, interesting.

Old Fool
Player en_846, and totally useless to prevent the spread of a plauge that is caused by infected flea bites.

Player en_846, I agree, but unfortunately some don't. I am of the opinion this is just good practice for what's likely to come.

Miss Sue
Destino Manifesto, You said it!

Unknown to me but very interesting as a lot of Russian history before the formation of the Soviet Union is.

Player en_846, it was fleas spreading this, so not airborne.

Player #97184361
Player en_846, Just think a conspiracy can move people to act against their very exsistance and without sensible questions to answers. ! ! !

Communism was and is the worst kind of plague. Same origin.

Player #3305800
Player en_846, bubonic plague is spread by infected flea bite. No amount of masks, distances or handwashing would have helped.

Player #2512936
ShellSeller, More than that have died already!

Player #2512936
Player en_846, There are too many people Not wanting to do Just that!

Player #23414253
looks like it already has.

Chelseablue 1971
OldHitman92611, prat