What is graphospasm?

Correct answer: Medical term for writer's cramp

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What people think about it: 33 Comments
i love this game all the information real cool
"grapho" (writing) = "spasm"
Figure this is less of a problem today and wonder if they have coined a term for cellphone texting cramps or tablet cramps besides possibly carpal tunnel syndrome? Actually have to wonder in general what problems we have created over the last 20 years with electronic devices...poor posture especially in the cervical region, effects on our vision, longterm health effects, etc.
Mr. Trivia Fun
Mr. Trivia Fun
LoopyLynda74, Problems like staying up playing Trivia Games; Problems like sleepless nights for stewing over wrong answers on Trivia games...Problems like ignoring your Significant Other because of addiction to Trivia Games...Yes problems with electronic devices and Trivia Games, such as this one!
I'm learning more in this game than I did in school!!
Sandyberry, had same happen when learning writing, first with. the big pencils down to the Ticonderoga #2's. Still have my callous. To me there is nothing like giving or receiving a handwritten note. It's a crime that cursive isn't even being taught at most schools anymore. I don't want it to become a dying art, shameful.
Sandyberry, My nephew had to learn how to write his name in cursive at 19 yrs old when he went to open a bank account. He was surprised that they wouldn"t let him print!
I remember having this problem in school when we were learning to write cursive. I actually got a blister on my birdie finger that over time became a callus. They made us practice on and on and on! 😵 And now the public schools here don't even teach cursive writing anymore. None of my kids were taught it and consequently can't read it easily either. (Nor do they know how to write their signature.)
Sounds the same as carpal tunnel
Player #36220843
Player #36220843
A little off the subject but my greatgrands can't tell time on a clock with hands or read cursive. So I bought each one a watch with hands and wrote a nice, lovely long letter in cursive. They all learned and wrote back in cursive.
For which i’m still trying to recover from since high school and college! Lol
Player #26129643
Player #26129643
Not a doctor here, but I think there's a chance that graphospasm can be confused with DuPuytren's contracture. Look it up.
Sandy, right?? they should have kids play this game as homework at least!
Ryuu 52
Ryuu 52
It is still called writers cramp, there is also musicians cramp. It causes lifelong pain in hands wrists and forearms. No you can't write, but you also can't use a knife and fork or chop vegetables or meat to cook. There is no cure or remission
also a great lady for a band
Player #27328253
Player #27328253
LoopyLynda74, tennis elbow, the abnormal position of the hand playing games on the tablet or mobile phones
This game is the bomb! I love learning things!
...but rarely do most of us write with a pen now.
Player #19085060
Player #19085060
I have writer's cramp, dystonia, but have not heard of that term.
Trivia titan
Trivia titan
I used to get this cramp everytime I finish a 3 hour long exam in college. I used to write so much! Yes, I was a nerd😝
Redeemed 2001
Redeemed 2001
can you get it texting?
LoopyLynda74, carpal tunnel syndrome
Player #11972146
Player #11972146
this game needs way more science and animal questions and less film and postal abbreviation questions!!
Grapho is Greek for "writing" (present continuous tense)
I like to write and I have experienced this malady more than once in my illustrious career
LoopyLynda74, I know I've def had issues like you mentioned from cellphone and tablet usage.
johnnyzoom7, lol
Player #6078838
Player #6078838
Ace baby
Player Elf Council
Player Elf Council
LoopyLynda74, And now they are finding bones growing from the skulls of youngsters due to constant bending over phones etc.
Amina Ishq
Amina Ishq
the information after a question is awesome. I learnt so much general knowledge
Player #3874355
Player #3874355
I can remember having this at school, in exams or when writing an essay
Zell. I am a female
Zell. I am a female
I guess it right
Player #3741256
Player #3741256
great game