Who was Eratosthenes?
Correct answer: A Greek mathematician

It always amazes me that by 200 BC we knew the world was round, but within the next 500 years this knowledge was lost. How advanced would humanity be now had the church not stifled technological and scientific advancement.

Xalver, thanks to the growing culture of 'antiintellectualism,' much of what we know as fact is in danger of being lost again. "Flat Earthers" are on the rise!

he was also refered to as "beta" by other philosophers of his time...sure seems alpha to me

Pimpao +
Great Mind and Greater Man !

Player #3554769
he had an amazing intellect!

There are some very clever people out there

Thank you Carl Sagan.

Xalver, I totally agree with you!

Player #13286156
Xalver, the knowledge wasn't lost, nobody believed the Earth was flat although many in the church thought that the Earth was the centre of the universe not the Sun.

batman25/1, Not really. The gregorian calandar (the one we use) was only introduced as "the" official calandar in 1582 by some pope and has since been used as the standard.

R431, absolutely. We have technology that allows everyone a voice, unfortunately they don’t read, or listen.

Xalver, the dark ages

PeeBee, It's a convention imposed later. Now BCE is often used "before the common era"

strange that the sieve he devised to generate prime numbers is not mentioned !

Player #86141257
Xalver, so true!

m x 777
Player #5026282, you mean moops :)

R431, They are not playing this game either!

Uninitialized, actually Xalver is speaking the truth. There were flat earthers

I think I remember being taught that in early years at school

Xalver, the Library of Alexandria was destroyed. I'm sure you know that.

PeeBee, BC and AD were devised after the year of Christ’s birth — it was such a significant event that all time before his birth is regarded as BC while since that event it has been and still is Anno Domini .

How come the years were named BC? Did they know that Christ will be born, just wondering!

Player #3833664
Never heard of him Didnt know was behind all those firsts