Who is this?
Correct answer: Dean Martin

Meaghan Davis
I love him and his music

When the Moon hits your eyes like a big pizza pie..! C'mon, join in! LoL

Montana Lady
One of the things I love most about this game is stumbling across a question like this... where it wasn't my generation & I had to use a hint. It's not the data in the blurb above that I appreciate, I can go read sketchy info on Wikipedia by myself (sometimes I do).
The true GENIUS of this game is the memories, stories, and experiences down here in the comment section. This is where I really learn by getting the emotion and sense of someone or something that I don't understand or wasn't around to experience.
THANK YOU! To everyone who takes the time to share their thoughts & feelings, whether we agree or disagree on something or everything... your input is what makes this game

Born Dino Paul Crochetti

Visit Steubenville, Ohio the first weekend in June where Dino's home town celebrates his birthday. Even the local Kroger's has a giant mural on its outside wall. Everybody gets in on the fun.

Pistol Annie7
Dean Martin was one of a kind with a charismatic personality and an amazing voice! Love him!! ❤️

Major Audie Murphy
Had one of the best tv shows. Also never received credit for his acting skills.

Player #2609370
The BEST.... singing was so natural so relaxed..

I loved Dean and Jerry Lewis in "That's My Boy". Dean was
quite the romantic in that one. I also loved the Dean Martin
roasts. What a crooner!

love his voice!

Love all the movies he made with Jerry Lewis.

Kitchen Mitten
Something about the low notes and his natural charisma....Wow!

I like went he was in the movie with John Wayne

Zoe girl
Idk him. I was born in 2014

Player #130257916
Dean Mintin, towards the end of his career, I remember him drinking alcohol on his TV show. Seemed tippsy.

I'm curious. It lists Martin & Lewis as a great trio. So who is #3?

the Breeze
Dino was a great espionage agent too. Y'all remember Matt Helm?
One of the greatest crooners!

I love Dean Martin music and films. he was a great one.

If it was just Jerry and Dean isn’t that a duo not a trio?

Loved Dean Martin movies and his singing voice.

AppleA815, that's amore! lol

Sassy, he made a really great cowboy with John Wayne, too.


Some of these questions are easy…

Dino was known as the Beatles Breaker. He knocked them outta the #1 spot with his "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime" Hit!.. I was "twitterpated" by his looks, voice etc, starting at age 9y/o
& counting.😉 My Fav song of his: "In the Misty Moonlight".

Player #107451533
AppleA815, thats amor'e

Jerica lumpkin

If you do the research- they refused the places that treated Sammy different.
Lots of information on the subject when researched

My all time favorite!! ❤️

AppleA815, "that's amore!", emphasis on amor-Ray😊

Lynnetta Gaskins
Dino still sends me..love to see him &Jerry Lewis too

My husband and I saw him sing live in the 1970s! He put on quite a show!

I loved all the movies he made with jerry Lewis

Player Quitos
Montana Lady, Spot on, Babygirl. WE are the village it takes to raise all of us.

You know what's so cool? the fact that Dean Martin generated so many comments in this day & age on this thread. Dean, surely was an icon of Hollywood's golden years.
R.I.P. Mr. Dean Martin

that was easy, the pic a lil kid would of got that, lol

I absolutely love that man! I remember watching his show as a very young child (4 or 5 yrs old, maybe?) and I just loved his songs and laughed at the jokes, even though they obviously went right over my head. lol! What a sweetheart ❤️

Montana Lady, what a nice (and true!) thing to say!

Montana Lady, Well put👍👍👍💯💯💯

Montana Lady, Very sweet of you to take the time to thank everyone that comments. It's truly rare that ANYONE thanks someone just by doing something they would've done anyway, but the gratitude you show is really inspiring! Thank you!