Why do people take rats as pets?

Correct answer: They are reputed for curiosity, intelligence and love for humans

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
Burned Out Bob
Burned Out Bob
We had a domesticated rat. His name was Jammer. He would chase the cat.
toe jam
toe jam
reminds me of that movie, Ben.
I have had mice as pets... never thought about rats though
Player #46115638
Player #46115638
they are wonderful pets. very clean, friendly and intelligent. they only live around 2 years unfortunately.
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
I was bit by a friend's hamster years ago. I never had such a sharp cut to the finger that bled profusely. Since then, I will not pick up anything in the rodent family.
Andrew, same..and hamsters, too. Never a rat!