What does CTE stand for in Medicine?
Correct answer: Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

RegretfulHuman68, Replay: I know a gentleman who after open heart surgery would faint and suffer syncopy and hit his head. His neurologist diagnosed him with CTE he had to retire from teaching because of it. He never played any contact sports. Sad he Had a gifted brain. :(

Saint Nine
vikked, and the picture gave a big clue, as long as you know that encephalitis is inflammation of the brain (or that encephalon is the brain; basically anything that starts with encepha-).

i def also actually looked down this list for boxing to be listed. im sure it was probably just skipped because thats gotta be num 2 on the list football being 1st to cuz this issue. but it does say "and other sport related blows" if my mind serves me correct. never heard it put in this term before tho so learned something new i guess. thx

Only one of the option sounds medical, so the answer was obvious

RegretfulHuman68, they didn't say it was an exhaustive list, just a few examples.

Player #6616037
Was it the same case of Aaron Hernandez?

Chris Sharkey
I was in a tbi... And I am still living!

Jose Jorge Cisneros
lve had several head injuries and severe trauma
l have blind mental fugue states up to 45 minutes long

Chris Sharkey, me too Chris. I was thrown from my friends horse, catching my foot in the stirrup, then being dragged along a road for a quarter of a mile, before my foot came loose.

This is a very sad disease. I think of Aaron Hernandez, so very tragic for such a talented athlete. 🥲

Nannad, Randall stone, 🙄

Great info as a nursing student.

the more we study,the more we earn learning.

So sad, what a terrible thing to have :'(

Player #9442102, what about war related injuries

Chilled Tea
Saint Nine, True

I think I have it?? But I heard they cant tell when you alive.

Player maryam
OmipresentSoldier847, softball too, as pitcher ive had a couple whopper hits

Chris Sharkey, now i am dumb(2 s rokes)

this is very bad because I am put douple choice I put the answer is not come

Randall Stone, 😳

Player #9442102
RegretfulHuman68, should be

Player #6616037, good question. I think people involved in this case have pointed to potential issues stemming from multiple head injuries.

Player #5100533
Randall Stone, Hardy Har Har...

Player #5100533
I cheated. I could hardly understand those big words. On to the next question...

RegretfulHuman68, too much money involved !