What is the biggest bíblical sea monster called?
Correct answer: Leviathan

Heartland Old Guy
All you people who don't believe, that is fine for you, but don't put us down because we believe. We do not have all the answers to all the questions we want to have answered, but we believe that the Bible gives us direction and hope that there is something better than the life this world in this day and age can possibly give us. We are banking that we are right, you are banking that you are, so you we are no different except what we believe. So don't put us down.

Heartland Old Guy, Isn't it strange how the universe is so immense and room for so much to exist, but asking people to find the room in such a large place for a little faith is so very difficult to discover? The universe is infinity. God is infinity plus everything else. To say that God is everywhere and everything is true. He is all that and then some.

Player #SassySLR
Wow. It’s unbelievable how much passion ppl have when it comes to God & politics. Politically speaking, I have Faith that everyone has a right to their OWN beliefs. Without differences, we might as well all be robots. (Yes all puns were intentional).

SingingSnake4352, none of us knows how or what God decides about forgiveness. We try to simplify God's power to our terms of limited understanding. Christianity to me means being my best self at all times and being thankful and accountable to God through all situations.

Trisha Hilger
i never knew this... interesting!

Heartland Old Guy, Well put!! thank you! With everyone, especially those in Hollywood, who say we are in the wrong because we believe the truth of the bible that has stood the tests of time will see the truth when they stand before God. Hope you and your family are all doing well since you posted this. God truly is our Rock in time of need.

Heartland Old Guy, may God bless you!

Player Eldehem
Heartland Old Guy, I'm not a believer, but I truly believe in your right to believe.

Redeemed 2001
Player #MinnieLuv, a true Christian does not hate anybody if they do then they aren't really Christian

Player #8326726
CyndiWig1, Forget about heaven & reward from God. Your life will be more peaceful if you don't seek retribution and be generous.

RJHondo57, saying we'll done to someone for saying what equates to "each to their own" then declaring your belief is the truth, do you not see the issue there. also its only stood the test of time by ignoring all the time before and far less time than other beliefs.

Player #10632377, there's a purpose for all creations

Leviathan just means whale in Hebrew לוויתן

Player #10632377, its called giving you the choice between life and death says the bible, but whatever you do choose, choose LIFE!! HE(God) does not force himself on humanity, you need to see that HE is all for you, i will continue to pray for the day that you see the truth.

Player #120271469
Redeemed 2001, of course not, show them love and leave the judgement to God. living a Godly life is a work in progress with some days better than others .

Player #120271469
Player #SassySLR, people should have passion about subjects that affect them; their lives and those they love/care for- too many with loud voices going on about nonsense these days-

Player #8326726, hows that working for you??

RJHondo57, Amen!!!

CyndiWig1, well if we could get forgiveness for our sin by just trying to be good Jesus would not have had to die for our sin! Read the bible it will tell you exactly what you have to do to be saved from condemnation! There is a judgement coming & if your faith isnt in Jesus Christ you wont be saved!! Jesus is the Way, the Truth & the Light!!!

Heartland Old Guy, count it all joy when you have trials & tribulations jesus said in the world we will have tribulations, people will reviles us gor our beliefs, but jesus has overcome the world, so have we thru his blood that he shed on the cross!!
Thank god he took our suffering so we would not have to! Count it all joy!!!!

Evil is not God's creation. Evil is the absence of good. People choose this.

Uncle Jimmy
Love the name. It just sounds legendary and ferocious.

Mikki Irish
RJHondo57, Wow, I wasn't aware that not a single person in Hollywood believes in God. I keep learning new things in this game.

Biblically, it could refer to a whale

Calabtangan' Boyoyong
there should be a reference where it was mentioned in the old testament.

leviathan is leviathan not all sea monster is leviathan....

Player #SassySLR, Well said!

Heartland Old Guy, I don't believe but I respect everyone's right to believe what they want.

Someone please tell me the Scripture in the Bible that supports this please.
I know my Bible and have never seen this…

Heartland Old Guy, tell me the scripture in the Bible that supports this please. I know my Bible and have never seen this…

Heartland Old Guy, I find it odd that anyone should believe in a better place after death. Such a shame we are so busy arguing over different religions and the rights of individuals, we end up messing up the one place religious people believe god made. so why should we be rewarded with a better place? lets try and stop fighting and make the one place we are sure we have, a better place. The bible and other religious books have not done a good job so far. most people do not need a book to tell them right from wrong or good from evil.

Release the Kraken!!

Mike T
It's unbelievable how many comments the Bible questions generate. There are many who believe in God, fine. Let them be. Then those who don't believe, that's up to you. Be respectful people. Don't ridicule people's beliefs. That goes for both sides.