What is the usual and historical meaning of the word "Texas"?
Correct answer: Texas means friends

As Americans we forget that Texas is not named by Americans did not have the attitudes and they come in there and is quite an ancient land that existed and inhabited by Native Americans and conquered by the Spanish and then conquered by us. we need to remember history, real history, not convenient, guilt free history.

Player #7619407
Texas forever. from San Antonio myself

Whaddya know...I learned something 👍🏼

El Paso Strong.

Texas forever ✌️

I'm from Texas so I was at an advantage. Love my state.

I live in Texas! Texas is awesome

PULL10K, Texas was never conquered by the US

PULL10K, it's sad so many are trying to erase our history

I don't feel guilty, I'm from Tennessee, Sam Huston and the Tennessee volunteers liberated Texas.

I was at 120 level and got caught in an advertisement so I had to delete this game to get out. This game is too easy.

Giggle pig
EclecticOx622, Sam Houston was from Rockbridge County Virginia originally.

Christine ~ RN
Player #7619407, We used to live near Brackenridge Park in San Antonio.

coolbeanqueen, 🤘🏾

Player #39022962
I'm your texan till the end

tejas In Spanish is a roof tile
Say what?
Player #7619407, San Antonio was lit, fun at river walk! Go San Antonio Spurs

Griz, I went to UT in the 80s when Austin was the coolest city in Texas. the new Austin is a sad shadow of it's former self

Queen of Games
PULL10K, the Spanish mentioned here were people originally from Spain ....therefore Spaniards

Player #9632792
Player #7619407, God bless Texas

Paddy, history had always been erased.

3rin.33 74, I was able to read because even though there's no punctuation it still can be read use your brain there's not excuse.

Player #4873457
PULL10K, true as every day Life .I like what you said ! History is full of honesty.

Why is partners and friends there they are almost the same thing

3rin.33 74
PULL10K, Dude-next time, please use punctuation. Your comment was very difficult to read. I’m certain it had some validity but it’s lost on me for lack of proper grammar.

learned something new