What is Dendrochronology?

Correct answer: Tree-ring dating

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What people think about it: 4 Comments
Ignazia11, no need to kill the tree we took a core sample smaller than a pencil
Trees were pushing water straight up through the roots and up the trunk for millions of years and humans only worked it out relatively recently. How ingenious! I love nature!
Player #27149342 pixie
Player #27149342 pixie
Useful in archaeology when they find wooden remains in a dig, for dating purposes, also to date old buildings.
Player #091217
Player #091217
Ignazia11, without killing the tree you can determine its age...measure round the trunk in cms, approximately 1metre up from the ground, then divide thst by 2.5. this gives you a rough age in years. trees on average grow an inch a year in trunk thickness.