Which star appears to be stationary in the northern hemisphere sky?
Correct answer: Polaris
, In old days of slavery, the north star aka Polaris, led them north from where they were, helping them to escape to freedom. Same way sailors of old used it for direction.
Montana Lady
AgileSquid5268, it was. Polaris IS the North Star.
Heartland Old Guy
It is like looking at the top of a top while it spins. The center does not appear to move even though we know it is spinning with the rest of the top. Our perspective of Polaris.
That picture is a globular cluster, not a time lapse of Polaris. Just saying.
I really didn't know the answer but know I do and it os quite interesting too.
Player Thad
I Love this game, but sometimes, it seems whoever ask the questions, doesn't know what they are talking about on lots of the subjects, or the comments are wrong, which I doubt is the case... I still learn a lot from playing and Love reading the comments...
the picture is not a time lapse photo
interesting fact..Vega will be the polar star in roughly 13,000 years
Underground Railroad was what it was called. Not where it was.
Very important to slaves escaping pn the Underground Railroad.
ngc1952, maybe they have changed the picture?
if i knew this thing in my class, i wouldn't ask my mom to answer
The attached picture is a globular star cluster 🤔
I named my black female cat after the North Star. She has a small patch of white hairs at the base of her throat that looks like a star in the night sky. Her name is Polara, a feminized version of Polaris.
Thanks Jim Moser
Im learning alot because of this game😎
Every day, I learn something new 👍🏻
I love seeing stars and I want to become an astronomer.
Johne Monterola
It's Polaris, the North Star
Player #32549118
That’s not a time lapse of Polaris, you’d see a circle of light streams, but the very middle star would be the same.
TheOxRocks, And earlier in 3000BC, Thuban (Alpha Draconis) was the pole star.
Player #34138385
l am in 5th grade but I even now that
Player Gigi #28446253
TheOxRocks, that will be cool to see. lol 😆 🤣
When I saw "Sirius", OMG it gave me a huge flashback of when my family started watching Harry Potter. Order of the Phoenix was my least favorite.
I don't know like this game
Player #13023389
I knew the answer to that question right off. Debby
Yuvo Ka Raj
A good number of people have chosen sirius because it looked familiar to them and they didn't knew polaris as the second name of north 🌟
AstroScout, and sailors of old.
In 1749 , Sir Winston Polaris of Jesus College Cambridge called it the Polestar .
CapeBretonFatsTurn1, which part of Cape Breton are you from? I'm from Sydney River myself.. .
vishal rocks
as it is directly above the north pole it is also called the northern Star
Player Elf Council
CapeBretonFatsTurn1, Not to mention that all the current conflicts have been started by them.
Sprinklez24, polaris is a snowmobile brand. i remember an add from an old magazine. reputation of the best. they must of used the north star for their name
Player #1418135
Good question.
Zell. I am a female
Montana Lady, that's what i thought as well