Where in the United States would the town 'Deadwood' be found?

Correct answer: South Dakota

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What people think about it: 9 Comments
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Funny they don't mention that the saloon where Wild Bill Hickok was shot is there and Calamity Jane is buried at nearby Boot Hill.
Player #24784142
Player #24784142
love Deadwood can't believe they Didn't Mention the HBO series Deadwood its the greatest ever!!!!
Destino Manifesto
Destino Manifesto
Goes to prove that there's a history to everyone and everywhere! 😁
wow sounds like a fun place!
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Driving to Deadwood many years ago I began to see tons of dead trees everywhere and commented on it. Little did I know the town was just a few miles away. It was at that time I realized the name origin. Very cool place to see.
Showtime's series Deadwood gives a very entertaining history.
Lucy Lu
Lucy Lu
There is also a Deadwood in Texas, there is a prominent actor buried in its cemetery, I think it is Powers Booth.
How do they give all that information about Deadwood without mentioning the population?
Player #7091168
Player #7091168
also Oregon