What was unusual about the Battle of Britain?
Correct answer: All of the other three answers

I usually guess the 'all of the above' answer and it's usually right. Just a tip but if it doesn't work for you, don't blame me, please

Way to go RAF!!!!

Player Elf Counsel
Radakyl, I was born in Bristol in 1941 and remember the bombings. The old city centre was flattened. Our house survived though the front windows werer blown in when a bomb struck the other side of the road. Indellible memories.

Incredible battle thank god for victory

Keek, did you read all the choices? did you learn something new?

Megz B
thank you RAF for giving us our freedom 😃

Player BARTEMAEUS 10, May 15th 1944 is the last recorded date of bombs being dropped on Bristol. On that date the areas of Lawrence Weston, Bedminster and Abbott’s Leigh we’re hit. Although only one death occurred many buildings were damaged. One of them probably being just over the road from a three year old Elf Counsel. Get your facts right before correcting people.

GrandmaTanya, I do too. hasn't failed yet .

Player #125843019
A history programme on the bbc said it was actually the battle for England it was fought in the skies over England, no were over Britain

Player #125843019
Globular Martian, and to save their countries and the rest of the world

Player #125843019
Megz B, but it's slowly being taken away from us because the government of the day is allowing to many immigrants in.

GrandmaTanya, Totally agree.

Globular Martian
Nobby Deux, The EU was based on Hitler's Idea of a United Europe, with him in charge. That never happened. without Polish and Czech Airmen alongside our own Pilots, we would be living in a Dictatorship that is much different today. We need to Honour those Countries who helped to save us from a brutal and disgusting man.

Nobby Deux
Thank you to the brave Polish and Czech airmen and North American volunteers who won this battle with their advanced tactical knowledge. Go to the A40 Polish airmen war memorial to be reminded of their brave endeavours... hopefully it won't have been vandalided again when you visit

vedge, Bristol was bombed heavily after the battle of Britain, the, so called, Baedeker raids were later in the war.

Winston Churchill's speeches always seem to send shivers down my spine...

The life expectancy of a spitfire pilot was just 4 weeks and the average age of the pilot was 20. Very brave men!

Player #34032023
There's a museum in Lincolnshire, England dedicated to the raf and battle of Britain. It also has the last original Lancaster bomber in the world. East Kirkby if I remember correctly, deffo worth a visit.

Player #31141837
you never know when you might need the information someday - it might just save your life.

Player #31141837
VividPotion6704, me too!

Player #31141837
Nici, me too! right up till the most recent question!

Player #12645992
don't remember Churchill speach was only one year old at the time also didn't read the questions property otherwise would have gone for all the above it usually works

GrandmaTanya, ikr these answers are always so obvious 😪

Sensei buttcrack, That was after the Battle of Britain

Sensei buttcrack, 'Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few'

GrandmaTanya, I do the same.

Player #20038393
incredible battle 😳

Sensei buttcrack
Sorry I feel I must correct you. Churchill's famous speech was, " never innthe field of human conflict is so much owed, by so many, to so few.

Player #11671083
"Never has so many owed so much to so few"

Player #10096981
i agree. however ....

If you ask someone under 45 what RAF stood for, they would probably say Rich and Famous . Everybody nowadays are obsessed with Celebrities. How depressing.

Saint Nine
GrandmaTanya, I've found that whenever there's an "all of the above" answer it's always right. I haven't come across one that wasn't. I noticed this after getting some right because I knew they were and some wrong by choosing the one answer I knew to be correct. Since then I've always gone for "all of them", even if it doesn't look correct and that's after playing over 50 levels (so at least 20 of these answers). I think it's a safe bet.

Player #7046822
awesome game, once I start i can't stop.

Player Elf Council
Rubicon, Elizabeth was also the name of his wife. Later referred to as the Queen Mother.

The postscript contains at least one error. Elizabeth was, during ww2, king George vi 's daughter. not his wife.