Which future dictator was training to be a priest when he turned to Marxism?
Correct answer: Joseph Stalin

What are you all trying to imply? I am an atheist AND a good person. I do not judge a person imediatly because of their religious affiliations nor afflictions.
The most judgmental and non-neighborly people I have met seem to be ones who claim they Love everyone.

Player #1081396
Ahlaura, at the time, Stalin was still in training to be a priest. 1899 comes before 1923, therefore the question is correct

Big Blue Narwhal, Pope backed Hitler because he was against the USSR which advocated atheism.

Player #2456261
Ran, crusades, witch trials, Spanish inquisition, etc

HoustonOutfitters, what kind of excuse is that? He could have - and should have - supported neither of them

Ahlaura, yeah, the key word in the question was "was". Not "is".

Big Blue Narwhal, Mao, Hitler, the Kim dynasty, Castro, Pol Pot, have the blood of over a 100M of their own citizens. All of them atheists in their adult lives.

Player #4319749
Big Blue Narwhal, You know your history! They say those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it! Kudos.

Miss Sue
Goblin, I have known only 1 atheist. He is a son in law of mine and an alcoholic. He is a good man and we love him very much !

Trying to imagine a world where Stalin was a priest. Would Hitler have taken Russia?... would the millions that Stalin starved tortured and slaughtered have survived? How strong a force would communism be today?
The mind boggles!

I judge people by their religious beliefs.
Because Gods don't kill people; people with Gods kill people.

Chris RN
Goblin, I agree 100%. From what I’ve seen, religion has little to do with compassion and tolerance. It has a lot more to do with hatred and war (such as the one currently being waged in the Middle East.) Give me an atheist/humanist any day. Trying reading the marvelous publication, “Free Inquiry.” It answered a lot of questions for me.

Anthony Tonni
If you're an atheist, you don't have any basis for right & wrong. These are merely subjective. What is wrong or right to someone, can be the opposite to someone else.

if he'd have became a priest he would've only fkd some alterboys rather than the whole nation

The man was an educated monster! so what.

moonlit, totally agree

Player #3366575
Delan1947, he would have made a horrific priest. he was a brutal ruler.

tystyx, I never ever heard that b4

NO! Please, please stop going on and on and....!