What is xenophobia?
Correct answer: Fear of foreigners, strangers

Conquer your fears. Say Hello to a stranger..

Heartland Old Guy
Molly Bear and Dovan79: hello stranger to you, too. A little about me, I am not much stranger than I was yesterday. But I am growing, so I might get stranger still.

Player #3906185
Dovah79, my kids once asked me if there has ever been a stranger who I wouldn't talk to? my reply was No! because you never know if a stranger will become a friend on some level.

If by 'people' you mean 'race' you're correct. Religion isn't a race - for example people are called racist if they're anti-Muslim, but Islam isn't a race. There are Muslims from many races, just as there are Christians, Hindu, Buddhists etc from many races.

No matter where I go, someone at some point will come up to me and divulge their entire life history plus their gynaecological/medical history and things they've never told a living soul apart from me. I consider it to be a privilege that someone feels so comfortable talking to me. I always make time to listen.

Player #9442102
MetallicEnsign27753, my mom never knew a stranger! She could talk to anyone.

( Snail Darter)
RevRichO, Welcome to America.....just do it legally!!

I have this to a moderate degree. I can meet people but can't sustain relationships.

BeagleMum, so then the term would be a bigot instead of a racist - same concept.

Pikaculo, in all honesty states seem to have more "terrorist's" living inside. At least more gun atrocities from white americans

Miss Sue
Melode, pigment.

domestic terrorism just like what happened on January 6 if they were real terrorists from some other countries the police wouldn't have been attacked like they were instead all of the terrorists would've been shot and if they did survive they would've been charged with treason for trying to take down the government

penawareof, that’s not xenophobia

you're right about that and all of the thumbs down votes must be "terrorists " even though hate crimes have been committed on ppl of color and non Christians for nearly a century and not just since 9/11 the first terrorists in America were the KKK even though they say that they're Christians it's funny how they go about killing Christians who have a different complexion I guess that they didn't read the part of the Bible where it says to luv thy neighbor and not to kill them

greekroman9854, Or Americans in general. Yes, I know. Very dangerous here.

stranger than what I always ask.

Heartland Old Guy that's a good one lol

Loved it in Aliens when they called it a “xenomorph” 😁

Wannabe Vulcan
Player #9442102, by definition, it's impossible to know a stranger.

Chelu Neb1
the fear of Xena, warrior princess

ZWe as humans are all the same race no matter what we look like.a religion is a belief not race. BLACK PEOPLE ARE THE SAME RACE AS WHITES JUST DIFFERENT PUGMENT.

Heartland Old Guy, The bible says to entertain strangers they might be Angels

Perfumella, same here. Hi5

flight or flight...a very human condition (we are animals).being so..
Have you never been scared?..

Sadly the most popular phobia in South Africa..Most foreigners live in fear for being too competent to supposedly “take the locals’ jobs”

Player #17305956
Dovah79, some people just look and stare back. you need a connection!

Uninitialized, My Mum's cousin was like that. He would talk to anyone & within 5 minutes of meeting them he'd have their life history. He was a real people person😊

Heartland Old Guy, Hahahaha!🤣

Guillermo Jr.
penawareof, well.. I DO always appreciate your comments!!

BeagleMum,i never cheat

Fun guy
I love humanity it's people I can't stand...

5c0rp10n n33d5 2 b c0nt.
Things was not in the question

Player #27328253
a stranger may just be a friend you do not know

so many fears and some are are surprising

Player #19474516
Player #9442102, mine too

Player #19474516
greekroman9854, sad isn't it. my era it was no big deal to have 1 or 2 rifles on gun rack in pick up truck...times have changed...oh! never got pulled over by police-accepted/needed. farms

* Seshati *
Heartland Old Guy, lol I just came from an Alice in Wonderland question & this humorous lil’ comment fits right in with that world :D

Player #18663768
so many phobia questions in this game... equal only todog questions! 😆