What is the most common blood group?
Correct answer: O

Wonder who and why selected the designations A B O? Why not say, U, for universal instead of O?

Laudy Miss Claudy
MindTreat, O- is the universal donor. Those of us who work in the ER really love this type od blood.

Player #10056078
WaldoLydeker, it was originally ABC groups but type C was renamed to type 0 (zero) because it contains no antigens

Player #2161211, that's o negative, not just o. Normal type o is common while type o negative is the rare and universal type

Laudy Miss Claudy
Sumica, With AB+ blood your son is considered a universal recipient. Technically he can receive any type of blood.

WaldoLydeker, O is actually zero, indicating that neither protein A nor. protein B is present. AB = both proteins present.

Player #3031857
I have o positive

Player songbird28, I love reading the discussion about who has what blood and who is the best etc. all the stuff you just read,it's funny.

Player #10056078, O from the German Ohne, meaning Zero.

Player #25874027
Ohne is German for without

Brad Stopher
my blood type is O negative

WaldoLydeker, gotta tell them apart some how. lol guess that's just the name they came up with in the lab. the letter "O" meaning the absence of A and B antigens😊

Mosquitoes also love type O blood.

WaldoLydeker, it's not O it's 0

Travel Lady
Mia, A is not the most common

The question is what is the most common blood type, while O is universal A is most common

MindTreat, also a great band.

WaldoLydeker, maybe it's from omni which is latin for everything

Player #22205195
WaldoLydeker, universal donor is only O- which around 8% of the population has making it close to A- in rarity! And these days they now check for all sorts of antibodies ( that can have great variance ) and cause donor rejection.

Player #14900060CJMD
The answer is actually O+,since O- is the universal donor but it is not as common as is O+.

Player songbird28
MindTreat, for red cells

Player songbird28
Dragonlady, O Neg is the universal red cell donor. AB Neg is the universal plasma donor

Player songbird28
Sumica, not rare but least common

Player #3912108
Sumica, i have AO negative and so does my ex husband. we found out that we had the second factor O because one of our sons has O negative. For him to have O neg we both had to have the second factor O My oldest son is A negative and so is my daughter

how many times are we going to see this question

MindTreat, I have o negative - so did my mum and so does my daughter

cest la vie!!!