Which is the largest state in Brazil?

Correct answer: Amazonas

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What people think about it: 14 Comments
Amazon Rain Forest is actually considered to be the lungs or breathing apparatus of the whole planet and it is being cleared at a ferocious rate by commercial interest for profit. As a species we seem to be so short-sighted. When all the trees are gone, so is our breathable atmosphere. You can't breathe money.
Player #2591264
Player #2591264
The rainforest has been on fire for the past 3 weeks, yet here in the uk this is the first I’ve heard about it. Apparently it is due to deforestation from humans, although I do not know too much about it. When will we stop spoiling the earth :(
Player #2018
Player #2018
This where Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon.com, named after his company that sells almost anything you can think of.
VividPotion6704, our lungs r in big trouble...now take a deep breath...
Yes, we all complain & worry about the rainforests but what can WE do about it? That is more important. We need to discuss this more & take action. I personally do not buy anything from companies that I know are destructive to it. We also need to support the indigenous tribes that still live there & know HOW to make it thru e!
little b
little b
I've not been to aggghyu
mukesh sharma.mahakall.b
mukesh sharma.mahakall.b
great beautiful nice is best.
Amazon is a forest🌲🌲
i thought sau paulo
Player #2591264, I live in the USA and as of Nov 2021 have not heard about a fire.
Player #2512936
Player #2512936
VividPotion6704, The people with The Money rule The world.
Pink Princess 3110
Pink Princess 3110
this is my favourite country so I got it correct 🇧🇷😇😇
can't believe I touched the wrong one by mistake🤢🤯
Not familiar with any of those choices. Got it wrong.