Who first used the term "military-industrial complex"?
Correct answer: Dwight David Eisenhower

Nate Sanders
dwiz9bravo, This issue shouldn't have a political agenda. We need to understand what Eisenhower was referring to.

Diver Dan,it's a game not a format for your political agenda

Hunger Knowledge
To bad the president entrusted the wrong people in the venture of "American xperience

we could use a leader like Him today!, what he was saying, and was right about, and was later re- iterated by Ronald Reagan, was basically peace through strength, build and have the most powerful military, but only use selectively and righteously, how far we've fallen!

Lets go Brandon!
It's sad we're not like that now!

Player #26129643
And they criticized DDE for being old and sleepy...

Harry Ceeword
dwiz9bravo, You are wrong. He is free to say what he likes.