The Pilgrim's Way was a historic route linking which two English cathedral cities?
Correct answer: Winchester and Canterbury

might be more interesting to foreigners if it explained why this is called 'Pilgrims

I live in the USA and truly appreciate questions that aren't USA based!

Player #4874807, both breathtaking beautiful cities. Full of history. Though Winchester is actually quite small, for a ‘ city’ as is Wells.

Red England
Felipe, l live in Worcester & yes it’s where they STILL make the WORCESTER SAUCE (no ‘H’) in the area close to the factory u can actually smell it - quite pleasant actually 😀 we’re also famous worldwide for Worcester Porcelain which is beautiful & both factories are only about 1 mile apart & porcelain factory is metres away from our gorgeous cathedral. We also have the oldest newspaper in the world, so if ur ever near Worcester it’s definitely worth a visit ❤️ very proud to be born & bred here

if you look up the Canterbury tales, it'll probably tell you the answer??

Birdiemom, Pilgrimage is a type of religious travel on which Christians embark.The pilgrim went on a pilgrimage.

Player #Meg
Player Elf Council, the Latin word cathedra means the bishop's chair. see is the area he was responsible for.

Mama Crow
I thought Americans and Brits spoke the same language. Lol! I admit to being an American who doesn't understand a word of this entry! I am not criticizing...just admitting my lack of understanding British English. By the way, I love England, the Queen. and all things British. :D

Player Elf Council, interesting! Thank you for sharing!

Player Elf Council
St Peter, Actually to be a city it has to have a cathedral. It comes from the word SEE. the seat of a Bishop.

St Peter
ThePurplePrincess, Size is irrelevant. The award of city status is all about the importance of the place in terms of religion, politics, culture, administration, etc. not how many people live there.

Way, as it is, the other names are meaningless, and I wish they could make these things editable.

Player #4874807
Never been to winchester or Canterbury

Player GayleP, this one I have to agree with you on. Wake me when ìt's over!