Which Hungarian actor became famous for portraying Count Dracula in the original 1931 film?
Correct answer: Bela Lugosi

Bela spoke no English when he took on the role of Dracula. He had to learn his lines phonetically. Which his why he said his lines so slowly.

Player #7140367 Sash
There have been many Dracula movies made but Bela Lugosi set the bar so high that none of the actors who played the part could reach it.

i remember Bela Leosi as Count Dracula i was pretty young so i had a fear of scary movies but unfortunetly having 3 brothers sometimes i had no choice.

*Wolves howling,*: "Leesten to them, cheeldren ov de Naight ; whot museek dey meike!"

Me, too! Those movies scared me more than most of the stuff out now.

Bela was just as scary as the gypsy/werewolf in "The Wolfman".

Player. Ty
He was buried in his Dracula Costum💀💀😎

* Seshati *
While reading the comments all I can hear is the song Bela Lugosi’s dead undead undead haha what a great song, what a great actor. I saw a doco about him awhile back he was pitted against Boris too much & underrated also oh how the Hollywood machine can spit em out & sometimes can destroy a good thing. I loved hearing how he was Hungarian it did Vlad aka the inspiration for Dracula justice lol!

Bela is typical Hungarian name. This question is easy for people who are from there. ;-)

kebertxela, Bela Bartok is Hungarian as well. Pop in another "L" in the first name, now you're talking Italian!

GruffGatekeeper75700, My father passed his love of scary movies on to me. My brother, on the other hand , didn't like them . Thank you Dad ! ☺️

His speaking style only added to his character.

Christine ~ RN
GruffGatekeeper75700, You certainly were very fortunate, though, to have 3 brothers!

LibraLady1010, and made him more convincing as Dracula I feel

Era Vulgaris, loved that movie!

Player #33814585
Player #7140367 Sash, Disagree Christopber Lee played a great dracula

Hugo, maybe, but they have plenty of unusual names too, I think this game has large area of other stuff covered so we can gain our progress :o)

I saw lon Chaney walking with the queen, doing the werewolves of london. I saw lon chaney Jr walking with the queen, doing the werewolves of london. that removed 2 answers

undead undead undead

( Snail Darter)
LibraLady1010, I don’t know if it’s true, but I understood that during the later part of his career he had such a terrible drug problem that he needed very little makeup to portray his Dracula character......

kebertxela, at his funeral Peter Lorre wanted to put a stake in his heart to make sure he was dead? Yikes!

Bela Lugosi sounds Italian. would've thought he was Hungarian.