Which of the following theories is proposed by the physicist Albert Einstein?
Correct answer: General theory of relativity

Anthony Tonni
Every time I read those explanations, still I don't fully understand it!!

Big M
Thanks for the write up!
According to relativity, there are some problems with accelerating yourself (in a spaceship) to the speed of light in normal space:
1. As you speed up, the perceived wavelength of light increases through infrared until you can't see anything!
2. It takes an infinite amount of energy!
3. You become energy!
Tricky... not on my bucket list...

Anthony Tonni, I am glad to hear that I'm not the only one.

Player #125614044
Wow!! I am in the company of some very intelligent and interesting people! Thanks.

Tony, Not necessarily impossible, or absurd!
A spaceship, or other object, at rest requires more force and energy to start it into motion than an object in motion being propelled to continue to go faster!
We see this effect every time we get into our cars and START driving as compared to SPEEDING UP as we drive! Stopping the object requires more physical force as well, and is accomplished by a force of resistance, usually braking by air or friction!
We can "coast" to a stop, by means of gravitational resistance and wind surface, but in space that would have to be reverse polarization or, at present, reverse thruster application!
Faster than the s

Big M, In reality...Everything is made up of atoms, which are a form of energy, so you have already achieved "becoming energy" whether it is on your bucket list or not!
Congratulations for succeeding I doing what you thought was impossible!😁🤔

Tom, The speed of light is constant and the same for everyone, but when people are at different locations on the plane of travel for the light, they see the same thing at different times!
Kind of like an eclipse that can be seen across the globe!
It's the same eclipse that is witnessed by everyone in its path, but people who are first in its path see it before the people at the far end!
Same eclipse, different time!

Anthony Tonni, yer not alone mt I struggle with it too

Flower demon
it is so useful theory which can change the world

Anthony Tonni, This particular "explanation used very modular changes to repeat itself three times!
It is probably one of the effects of SPACE/TIME distortion where we all read the same explanation, but interpret it in 3 different ways!

General relativity is about how mass curves space and how a mass moves in curved space. And black holes.
Most of the comments I have read here are about Special relativity , the main point is the speed of light is constant to all observers.

Big M,
these, your points, are all related to Special relativity.
special relativity, is about the speed of light. 1905
General relativity is about gravity , 1915

Big M, The energy required to push your spacecraft, already traveling at %95 of the speed of light, to %96 of the speed of light is humongous. It becomes pointless. It would take an infinite amount of energy to propel your craft to the speed of light and your spaceship (and yourself) would become infinitely massive (heavy). Absolutely impossible and absurd.

Player #120374466
Deborah , Theory is said not to be based on facts. Scientists can agree on a explanation of why things happen.