What blunts scissors in the popular game?
Correct answer: Stone

Player Teresa611
It’s called ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’, not ‘Stone, Paper, Scissors’.

It’s called rock, paper and scissors. Rock smashes scissors

toe jam
sheldon cooper has a newer version of this.

Paper also blunts scissors but not in the game, just in reality.

Player CindyLou
Rock, paper, scissors, lizards, spock

"Hand over fist
Paper around the stone
Scissors cut the paper
Cut the paper to the bone.
Hand over fist
Paper around the stone
Scissors cut the paper and the rock must stand alone."
Hand Over Fist, a Song by Rush, uses the game as a metaphor for relationships.

Player Teresa611, maybe by you, but a stone and rock serve the same purpose..

what about rock, paper, shotgun?

My brother taught me this game, adding a pinkie finger to be "dynamite." It was years before he laughingly told me that he had made that one up 😂

Mars V
toe jam, I don’t agree that paper would disprove Spock.