What is the capital of Alaska?

Correct answer: Juneau

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What people think about it: 27 Comments
Montana Lady
Montana Lady
nimblemoon, we get the same type in Montana. I literally had one ask me once, "what time of year do the deer turn into elk?" I didn't know what to say, so I told him he'd just missed it.
For five years I lived in Anchorage, loved it all except having to deal with getting around n winter, hated shoveling snow, it's heavy!! Was absolutely spell bound everytime got to see the "Northern Lights" it's breath takingly beautiful.!!!
Tourists go on vacation and oftentimes forget to bring their brains with them. After working in the industry for ten years in the 90s I chalk it up to without those people, I wouldn't have some of the funniest stories I get to share.
Player #5320209
Player #5320209
I have lived in Alaska for well over thirty years now. I truly love it here and will never live anywhere else.
I always thought I would like to live in Alaska to get away from the hoopla of the remaining country.
QuizLord, I have lived in Juneau and can concur about the population increases. The whole town gets dwarfed. When you get 2 or 3 cruise ships in at the same time it is chaos and forget about driving to the north side of awk bay during the day. Juneau is truly breathtaking and the one thing I really miss are the eagles and whales
USAMcK, I live in Montana too & you obviously know nothing about our tourists. EVERY year, several are gored trying to pet bison, others are burned by volcanic springs, a few bear their families thinking it's "bear repellent", & more than one tourist has come to hunt elk & shot a llama instead! So Montana Lady's story sounds true to me, our tourists are the unbelievable ones!!!
Player Quitos
Player Quitos
Only three ways to get there; plane, boat, and birth canal.
I worked with a guy who lived in Alaska for a while, he said everyone trades and barters no one has money and everyone smokes pot.
Player LaydeDarke58
Player LaydeDarke58
I've heard many 1st person tales of the wonders of lfe in the 49th state. But, the most amusing observation has to be from an Alaskan State Trooper. He said, "Alaska is just Minnesota on steroids." I can't disagree. Anchorage is often warmer than my MN town. We have bear moose and timber wolves Northern lights are indeed lovely. And Lakes with record fish, well...
Johnny Goodboy
Johnny Goodboy
I was born in the 49th before it was a state. Spent 49 years living "outside" and now have joyfully returned. I lived in the midwest for 20 years and the weather there is way worse than here (Anchorage/Mat-Su area). Never heard anyone talk about moving the capital to Wasilla, but grew up hearing about how it belongs in Anchorage, but while I was growing up Wasilla was nothing more than a post office.
I lived in Alaska 20 years, 11 of those in Juneau. Juneau is the 3rd largest city. Anchorage is first, Fairbanks is second, and Juneau is third.
Samuel Carter
Samuel Carter
I was on the U.S.S. Juneau in 1970. We went from Okinawa to the Philippines; from the Philippines to Hong Kong, where I was off duty for Xmas Eve and Christmas day (boy did I have a great time)! When we left Hong Kong, we went off of the coast of Vietnam, afterwards back to the Philippines. When it was time to go back to Okinawa the ship had needed some repairs so we went back to Okinawa on a different ship.
Player #29793410
Player #29793410
I grew up in Anchorage and they tried for years to move the capital to the Wasilla area but it's still in Juneau
Guillermo Jr.
Guillermo Jr.
Juneau? Alaska!
Player #15356356
Player #15356356
Too cold in Alaska to live, but i bet it would be so peaceful to live there, if you can hack it.
I live in MT 406, half of the year. In the other 48 states, people ask me how I like living in Wyoming. Really! I have several friends in MT who from Alaska, who think nothing of flying there in February to visit.
Shelby Carpenter
Shelby Carpenter
Capital of Alaska? You know. You know. Oh, heck. I forget.
Annie, I had to smile when I read your comment. That must be wonderful ! I'm currently ( and have always been ) from NJ. Across the river from the cesspool of NY. And many would say a continuation of said cesspool. A part of the megalo'polis NE corner of the lower 48. Th.ere are WAY too many people here! So having a 'couple cruise ship's' tourists 'affect the population' sounds like heaven! Unfortunately, I don't deal well with Extreme cold - heck, I don't like winter HERE - that's the ONLY negative thing I've heard about life in that wonderful state !
Player #2403739
Player #2403739
Montana Lady, we get the same question in Colorado!
Shautay K.
Shautay K.
Add this to the list of miss information that was taught in 🏫
Trinka, brown bear is what most of the world calls the grizzly bear (ursus arctos), there are maybe 10 or 12 extant subspecies around the northern hemisphere.
Montana Lady, That sounds pretty made-up.
Player #2208552
Player #2208552
I can’t believe I hit the wrong one! Ahhh
Trinka, You're right. We also have black bears in Virginia. They seem to have widest range in N.A. I believe many people think of Grizzlies as 'brown bears.'
Montana Lady, especially your answer
My daughter used to live there and loved everything...except the tourists!