What is the capital of Connecticut?
Correct answer: Hartford

i was born here, live here and will stay here!

Player #118357
Only a few of us knew about $2 chicken from Sunshine Jamaican on Albany Ave, or beef and chicken patties at Scott's bakery, but my favorite thing about Hartford was definitely the food. Don't forget Aqui Me Quedo!

catwoman, I live here too, everyone is leaving due to the cost of living here! Unconstitutional laws being levied against us! and an ever increasingly militarized police presence due to high crime rates!

I miss the Whalers

JR. Gee
would like to go there and visit

I'm sure Hartford is a lovely city, but travelling between Boston and ny a lot, it's a traffic pain in the rear. I usually take 395 even though it takes longer

Player #118835939, Try to get near Myrtle Beach.

Player #118835939
I live in West Hartford and I hated hated hated When I have money and the chance I'm moving to South Carolina.

humbeldywump, Yep, that's the only way to go! And you can stop off at Foxwoods or Mohegan Sun, the most beautiful gaming venues in the world! Particularly Mohegan Sun. My ex-girlfriend and I saw Aretha Franklin there just before she passed. Awesome New Years Day Show!

BronzeNinja69951, I'm originally from West Hartford, went to school in New Haven, but reside in Florida. I so miss Hartford/CT. Great place to be brought up. Much to do. Good restaurants. Great hiking. And I do miss the Whalers.

BronzeNinja69951, I'm from West
Hartford but now reside in Florida. I miss Hartford and miss the Whalers.

I'm just glad my city , Bridgeport was mentioned 😁 nothing to be proud of tho but it's still a pride thing .

Player #27512564
Lived there almost 13 years

Player #6268259
Debs1016, wow that's way back

BronzeNinja69951, that's very worldly of you

Penny Plant
BronzeNinja69951, I'd visit in the summer. Way to cold in the winter. Ohio is bad enough

The traffic on 95 near there is just lovely. Reminds me of Beijing.

BronzeNinja69951, I was born there too. based on the current Senators, I am glad I left back in '76. I do miss the pizza.

BronzeNinja69951, I happy you like hope to see New England someday it's on my bucket list but I love my adopted city of Chicago lived here for 55 years come visit someday

Player #5627351
I had a high school boyfriend born in Hartford CT may he RIP jamaine sindab love always

Zell. I am a female
I'm glad i know my states