Who created Russia's "window to the west"?

Correct answer: Peter the great

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What people think about it: 10 Comments
Wish they would have explained this further. I will have to research further myself, I guess.
missy189, He was very imressed by the Western courts, and wanted to turn a slightly backwards Russia into a modern state. He forced the nobility to speak French, dress like westerners and even cut their beards, along with a bunch of more "normal" reforms. In total he succeeded in modernising Russia, and is known as Peter the Great.
Republic of China
Republic of China
Sorry but it turns out a comment has a word limit so I had to split it up into parts. Don't mind the explanation parts.
Republic of China
Republic of China
missy189, It can be said Peter did successfully achieve this window to the west from the takeover of the Baltic Sea and building of ST Petersburg which became Russia’s new capital. He also gained a new port helping towards Russia’s imports and exports. To conclude Peter wanted to gain a window to the west for a number of reasons. He in the end actually got what he wanted with the capital of Russia, ST Petersburg being built on the Baltic Sea which he took over from the Swedes. A window to the west helped Peter to establish his position abroad and to show other countries Russia had become a force to be reckoned with.
Republic of China
Republic of China
missy189, The great embassy it can be said made Peter more determined to gain this window to the west as he learned all his new culture which he brought into Russia from his 18 month trip. Also Peter wanted to improve Russia’s economic state and the window to the west would help with this. He would learn how to improve and build new buildings such as improving Russian schools and improving Russian government. Many of Peter’s reforms in Russia especially through the expansion of Russian schools were mostly learnt from the west.
Republic of China
Republic of China
missy189, Furthermore he believed that Russia needed to be taken in the seventeenth century like other western countries were already in. Russia was in economic backwardness and by establishing a window to the west Peter would be able to learn western culture and change Russia for the better. Peter’s window to the west would also bring in cultures such as shaving off of his nobles beards, this showed them that there old fashioned appearance and manners were holding Russia back from European politics. Although many nobles and Russian people did not like this change peter was determined to bring new culture learnt from the west into Russia. The window to the west would help to keep these traditions stable as Peter would be able to change the culture when possible as communication would be improved between the western countries.
Republic of China
Republic of China
missy189, as much stronger. Moreover Peter knew Russia was very much isolated from the rest of Europe due to Russian language being very difficult and other western countries not being able to communicate with them. He thought this window to the west would help to improve communication and put Russia back on the diplomatic map, which was barely around at the beginning of his reign. Many Russians were also scared of xenophobia meaning many were scared of foreigners, this window to the west would help to make Russians accept Russia had to change and become more diplomatically successful. Peter needed a window to the west to help him gain allies and if wars were to be fought he would have some western countries on his side if he needed them.
Republic of China
Republic of China
missy189, There were many reasons why peter wanted a window to the west, these range from the fact that peter wanted to adopt western ideas, to reinvent Russia as it stands and his ambition to be more like his western counterparts. However it can be said that the most important reason Peter wanted a window to the west was because he wanted to increase Russia imports and exports and to do this he needed a well established port which Russia did not have at the start of his reign as tsar. To begin Peter knew that for Russia ever to establish its credibility overseas it needed to have a well established port to trade and communicate with other countries. However at the start of Peters reign all the tsar had was the port of archangel which was icebound nearly all year round. This meant that it was essential for Peter to get a new port for Russia ever to trade successfully. Peter found he needed a window to the west to ever believe this would actually happen. A window to the west meant that Peter would be able to show Russia as a stronger, prosperous country. Another reason it can be said that Peter wanted his window to the west was to make a name for himself not just Russia abroad. This can be interlinked with why he wanted a successful way of importing goods and this in turn would raise his profile as a strong tsar abroad. If Peter was to be successful with his window to the west his western counterparts would be less likely to question him on any level and Russia would be seen
Opiyo  Polycarp
Opiyo Polycarp
it had to be Peter the great
Player #4874807
Player #4874807
Good guess