What element has the chemical symbol Al?
Correct answer: Aluminum

that makes sens.

little b
I'm not good at science

Nexus 6
I was half expecting to see the same sort of football/soccer rants here for aluminium/aluminum.

Umaiza Waseem, These educational sort of questions are easy for me as I'm in 6. The other players sometimes may forget something related to studies.☺️🥰😅

Umaiza Waseem
since the grade 6

Player #97184361
Observing this metal in welding it was always interesting can absorb a great amount of heat without outward change then suddenly it will collapse. Had to be very attentive always.! ! !

cheese gal
it also follows under 20 first on periodic table

ellery R. Quierez,, - trimendous, your really funny.

easy because its the only one that has al in the word its easy because the word has al in it easy pesy lemon squeezy