Cats are prone to polydactyly. What does this mean?
Correct answer: Cats are born with extra toes or claws

I had one. Named her Abby Normal. Much loved.

Ernest Hemingway's house in Key West, Florida (USA) has 6 toed cats which were descended from his cats.

JasonR1972, no, absolutely. Once they have opposable thumbs, they will take over the world!

NaxosAghiaAnna, cats taking over the world? I believe this this would be an improvement.

My neighbours cat has extra toes! It just makes him more adorable 😍

swampsurveyor, hehe, I have one; her name is Mitzi cause her paws look like catcher's "mit"

I lived with a cat named Seven due to her polydactyly. Loved her so much.

Player #4319749
I found mine under a car in time to stop the car. She matched my camo coat so she is Cam O. Flagged. Smartest cat, great mouser, sleeps in a Margarita glass! 🐱

I had a cat with 8 toes on one foot and 7 on the other His name was Pheit Sigma

must Not allow them thumbs!

Player #92723922
NaxosAghiaAnna, If you have a cat, it has already taken over your world. (and you love it.)

Definitely herititary

NaxosAghiaAnna, had two questions- how is this featured? And how can I add you as a friend?

Jenn Natalia
polydactylism is the proper term...not polydactyly

had a cat that was double mitten paw on all 4 paws

I had one his name was snow (shoe) best cat I ever owned. loved the snow.

Former New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern and her partner Clarke Gayford had a cat named Paddles who had polydactyly.

Killy, yikes!!

my East Coast cat had 27 toes

Player #3834770 no tails you say? Maybe they are Manx cats.... from the Isle of Mann

NimuaeAvalon, my 2nd and 3rd toes are webbed on each foot. The cat in the picture looks like our cat who adopted us... we called it Charley after my Grandad; later discovering she was female which is unusual for a ginger cat. She was amazing... almost human in nature and very amusing, Miss her soooo much x

NaxosAghiaAnna, I have a cat with 5 toes and a thumb on each front paw. He has most definitely conquered my house...

I have one and she's beautiful and her name is Tootsie Roll and she's highly intelligent and lovable.

NaxosAghiaAnna, one of my sons polys picked up a pen!😳🤪

I Grew up with Lots of Cats, we called them ''Mitten Kittens''.

Player #6491018
I had a white cat with thumbs. Opened Tupperware with ease. Great big bundle of recessive genes. Loved him to bits.

NaxosAghiaAnna, actually, this is the premise of a series of novels written by Anne McCaffrey. Great writer! Great read!

SVVS, Oh my god! It took me a hot second to realize what that was in you're profile pic... 😶 (I thought it was a chubby person with a bathinsuit on.) 😭

NaxosAghiaAnna, Read the book
Breed To Come

I had a boyfriend that was born with six fingers on both hands.

How bout jellicle cats? and really fat cats?

I have a friend who has a "Hemmingway"cat as they are known here in Missouri.

SQinfoNUTS, Tweety might disagree!

Player Nalawen
I have a cat who has 2 extra toes on each paw. This black cat is named Lucky.

Player #13023389
plantlover1111, I'm planning on going there this year while I'm in FL. Debby

I have had 3 and known many others. They need no special care and climb very well. They were encouraged to breed as ships cats as they can climb ropes.

Guillermo Jr.
I have 2 orange kittens like the one in the photo... Neko and Erik.. troublemakers.. but adorable!

Player #33737275
Had 2 born of the same litter.

i had two of them keep the claw(s) closest to the paw clipped back because it can grow into the paw

Player #25874027
And humans under them