Which organisation is widely known for leaving Bibles in hotel rooms?
Correct answer: The Gideons

Mike T
The Gideons used to do this. Haven't seen one in a motel for years, not in Australia anyway. Maybe I'm staying at the wrong places?

toothless beachrat
In the Beatles song "Rocky Raccoon" there is the line "Rocky Raccoon checked into his room, only to find Gideon's Bible".

Anup Toms Alex
Not only in hotels, but Gideons place the Holy Bibles in schools, jails, hospitals and many places where communities gather. It is stated at the beginning of each Bible as well.

Player #25874027
toothless beachrat, “Gideon checked out and left it,no doubt to help with poor Rocky’s revival “

thats there way of spreading the words of God for free

Player Number1Explor
Mike T, Often the Bibles were actually taken once someone was inspired to continue reading .Many people found that they INDEED Needed to " hear " the gospel story...of course that's only one possibility.

Player Say what!?
Now, the party of "rule of law" is throwing the law away by mandating the Bible be in classrooms in the notorious South.

Wonder if they need to move with the times and leave a QR code with a link to a bible instead?

toothless beachrat, that's the first time I heard of it too

Giggle Pig
Player Number1Explor, no they want them to take them.

Giggle Pig
Anup Toms Alex, I got my last one from a guy handing them out in the Pentagon. This was in 1993; I doubt they’re doing that anymore.

Player Say what!?
Player Number1Explor, Hope they found the part that says theft is a top ten no-no.

Gideon Bible.And even as a child alone or accompanied I would read it and draw strength from and dissipate any negativity from reading the Bible

I remember when I was very young and traveling, wherever I/we went there was always a

Mike T, In the U.S. it usually

toothless beachrat, well done grasshopper

used to see these bibles in every hotel.. not so much anymore. they also used to give them out at school

toothless beachrat, first thing that popped into my head was that song lol

good answer toothless!

Where did Gideon come from? Also I haven't seen many of late, people must've taken them home

There's a Best Western in Jackson, TN, that still has Bibles.

I always think of Bill Hicks when I see or hear the Gideons.