Who was the original Frank N. Furter in the London production of The Rocky Horror Show?
Correct answer: Tim Curry

let's do the time warp again.

Player #480482
it was the greatest musical of its time and a lot of famous people came out of that movie. and transsexual transvestite yeah any man that can put on platforms and wear the clothes Tim Curry or more power to him loved it

its a great laugh

Loved Tim as Pennywise the clown in "It"!

Was GREAT fun in college. Audience participation, straight guys can be Brad.

Player #27355
It is a modern CLASSIC!!

Player GayleP, You didn't like it? Color me Surprised!

Fabulous show seen it several times love it !! Didn't know that Johnathan King backed it though. He also helped with Genesis's 1st album. Pity he turned out a pervert 🤬

Davy, Livingston, Clue is probably my favourite comedy 🙂

Did you also bring hotdogs?

Pandr3 59
Love the game

Player #8297262
I saw the original production as a 10 year old. been hooked ever since.

Player #3115955
EccentricVirgo7913, correction guys ... it’s a jump to the left, then a step to the right ...

Player Ejag
I have it on dvd-never grow tired of it— Tim Curry’s entrance from elevator- FANTASTIC!!😀

Harry Ceeword
Taranchalanche, That GayleP is a piece.

FACTCHECKER, he was good in Congo as well.

my son told me any movie made before 1985 was boring so I had him watch the Rocky Horror Picture show and he changed his mind real fast.

Player #5621402
It’s just a step to the left.......

1 Friday night a month my son and I would go to the theater to watch Rocky Horror Picture Show we would bring a copy of the Cleveland Plain Dealer because my husband was from Cleveland and water pistols and toilet paper and all the other accoutrements including the toast and we'd have a blast

I have the music for this film on my phone--GREAT B-film classic!

Player #27355, it's just a jump to the left and a jump to the right lol

RegretfulHuman68, ..by the way I look.. lol

InfernalEel52748, Brilliant show