Why do cats have whiskers?
Correct answer: To attach to a sensory organ for proprioception

Mike Mead
the answer is poorly worded. Q why do cats have whiskers? A "to attach to a sensory organ" that makes no sense grammatically or logically. can they be detached and some other appendage attached?

Very handsome cat

We always called them "curb feelers", family humor

Meow, any cat owner would know the answer no matter how well the question is written.

Player #2481343
meldawg, I've had cats all my life and they are excellent pets,very independent and easy to care for.
I've had males and females,
males are diffinitley more affectionate.
Did you know when a cat purrs it lowers your bloodpressure?

Simmo, Cats are highly intelligent and very independent! They like attention and affection, but not all the time. Dogs REQUIRE so much more attention! I love all animals, but cats hold a special place in my heart.

Player #11362717
Mike Mead, I could not agree more. It is worded completely wrong.

Player #15356356
I love black cats! I have 3 of them.

my son told me cats know that they can fit their entire body through any opening big enough to accommodate their whiskers

Jenny Wisewoman
Good to know

Player #145842533
Terribly worded, toss this question.

My current cat was given to me sight unseen. He had been fed cheap cat food, and his coat was dull and dry. After two weeks on some good kitten formula food, he started to bloom. His coat became absolutely glossy, shinier than I'd ever seen. I also wondered about his eyes, because they are gold. Not yellow, but gold. I found out that he is a Bombay breed cat. Patent-leather shiny black coat and either gold or copper eyes. He's a year old now, and he is beautiful. Lucky me.

right out of ten ppl got this

Player #2481343, totally agree . Had one cat 20 years 💖

Mars V
Two answers are pretty much the same so I could throw them out.

Mike Mead, I couldn't agree more. I caught it too.

it's like their own personal GPS systems

Mama dragon
More great trivia. Thanks for the fun facts. This was new information for me. I thought their whiskers were like feelers. Providing a warning if something was to close to their face.

20 some odd years ago we didn't know this (no body told us and google wasnt really around back then) and had a long haired cat that had to get shaved and we thought you were supposed to trim their whiskers. Cat kept getting stuck behind the couch and we couldn't figure out why until we talked to the vet and he mentioned it was unusual for cats to get stuck anywhere because of their whiskers then we mentioned we'd trimmed them and he looked at us like we were crazy.

meldawg, Cats ORDER attention & watch out if you don't obey! (from a cat slave)

Guillermo, here's mine.

Guillermo, cats are liquid.

When I pick up my four-month-old kitten, he puts a paw on each of my cheeks and looks intently into my eyes. Then he bites me on the chin...

Guillermo, I've heard that is the purpose of the whiskers yes.

jimmyboy, One of my cats says hello.. actually shouts hello when he comes in, or if he is in..also says no and now.. he's 15 and a blue and white cross with British short hair.. he's heard me say hello every time one of them comes in that he's picked it up, one of my other cats who took him under his wing also said hello.

Player #2481343, You are so right! I've had cat's all my life too, would never be without one. Male cats are definitely more affectionate, I've also had male and female, also I worked with cats for eight years.. amazing animals, I've also known people who said they didn't really like cats because they just sleep, that's until one comes into their lives..then they are hooked.. even showing you pictures on their phones like a proud parent lol Never underestimate the power cats have of making you fall in love with them.. unconditional love that works both ways.

stubob , So sorry to hear about your cancer. My DH was diagnosed with stage 4 over a year ago. He is still hanging in there. Four cats live with us.

Player #11362717, It's not so much "wrong;" it's just AWKWARDLY and CLUMSILY worded.

Player #2481343, Since I was diagnosed with stage 3 aggresive metatastic prostate cancer, my kitty Pipsqueak has been my constant companion over the past 6 years. She is a tuxedo female and is very affectionate. And yes,stroking her fur makes me feel very calm. She often knows when to jump on my lap or cuddle in with me in bed when I am having a sick day.

Smart Kitten
Cats also have whiskers on their eye brows, and behind the paws.

Once my cat burned part of her whiskers in the fire (oven) and lost her sense of direction, running into the walls and furniture

I have collected the whiskers that I find & now have a well whiskered stuffed toy.

Player #11362717, does that ACTUALLY matter?!?!

hawkeye9090, I know it sounds weird to us, but I've seen it used before and think it might be acceptable some places. Brits?

itsybitsy, yes!

Avenida Delmesa, my husband's late wife did the same. Makes me cringe now that I've learned so much about whiskers, but neither of you knew at the time...

Mike Mead, Our whiskers are our fashion statements! Look at my fine ones!🙂

Is that why cats always land on their feet? Lol

I've always heard that the length of their whiskers helps it to discern if it can fit through a small entry

kit kat
Player #2481343, oh wow I didn't know that about male n females being affectionate.i have a female n shes a mean ol gal. when growing up we always had cats and they were very affectionate must have been boys