How many languages could Kim Ung-Yong speak by the age of 5 years?
Correct answer: Five

Very talented!! I knew a girl in school who could speak seven languages. Unfortunately, it is a skill not particularly appreciated in the U.S. whereas it is automatically taught in schools around the world.

Iana, my grandkids 3 and 6 speak English, Spanish and French. Dad talks only English to them, mum only Spanish and where they live, French is the national language, so school is in French.

Player #120374466
Maximino, He's about 62 years of age and and a successful civil engineer. I would assume he is happy with his life.

On time
Talented with super brains 🧠

Is he happy in his situation?

toothless beachrat, Perpetuating the same old myth? That highly intelligent people are all mentally ill or terribly unhappy? WRONG. Per the National Institutes of health, high intelligence protects against PTSD and anxiety. The numbers among the highly intelligent are the same as everyone else. Maybe the myth springs from envy...

CH3No2, not sure this is necessary?? He’s supremely gifted - why is the sarcasm necessary? Who knows what his life is actually like, who cares? Just be impressed that a mortal is capable of such intelligence.

fergiethefrog, why would they? the world revolves around America!

fergiethefrog, same with the Brits, maybe because English is the language for politics and because it is taught in most countries. Since a very early age, my parents knew the importance of being a person of the world. I was taught 5 languages apart from my, of course. Till today, I speak 4 fluently!

It seems he was a reincarnation of a Physics or Mathematics and his memory it hadn't be erased

Omg he was born on the exact same date as me( year and all) I guess that’s a special date for super intelligence 😊👍though I’ve never been good d at learning languages

I would love to be able to speak 5 languages

Mama, my kids gotta try harder; I want a decent retirement

Did he work for NASA at a young age?

Player #33292972
Iana, sometimes the brain will do impossible things.

He’s really good in speaking languages

I'm sure his father didn't help him write a 247 page book when he was three. No, we would know if he did.

Wow that's awesome
I even in the age of 11 knew 5 languages

Woah!!!... how was possbilty???
5 year ... 5 languages????

That's amazing! learning 5 languages at the age of 5. What a coincidence