Complete the proverb: 'A little knowledge is ________.'
Correct answer: A dangerous thing

Mars V
This game, for example.

"... drinking largely sobers us again," means that the more we learn, the more we realize how little we actually know.

Giggle pig
Lionessa, that’s the first thing I learned in college; how little I actually knew.

like some boss's I've worked for!

learned this in highschool

Deeznuts, Sgt. Shultz from Hogans Hero’s; “I know nothing” and from the Bible (the Book of Ecclesiastes) Much study; knowledge, wearies, the mind.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
dillonyachtclub, Never travel without your towel! 😉

Not really liking this one. Knowledge is a great thing. Better than no knowledge.

dillonyachtclub, Yes, but it took so long to get the answer that now no one remembers the question. ;)

Lionessa, DEEP THOUGHT says the answer to life, the universe and everything is 42