What is the capital of Austria?
Correct answer: Vienna
Questions about other countries of the world? Pretty much Trivia.
Most of the questions are about something I don't have "here" or others don't have "there" but that's the main point of general (!) knowledge that is not about only one specific country.
Merry Christmas and Happy Happy New Year.☺🌌🎉🌌🕛🎊🎶🔔🎶
I have been there! One of the best cities in Europe!
Player #1758977
love all
Player #1758977
marry Christmas
Roberta Ann
I've been to Vienna twice and absolutely LOVED it!! Wouldn't mind living there!!
Mujahid Mohideen R
Very nice of knowing history of Vienna in brief.Nice game.
It is also pronounced as Wien, in the German language. As well as it was the former capital city of Austria-Hungary before becoming the current capital city of Austria, or the Republik der Osterreich.
Player #25874027
So what you’re saying is it’s neither here nor there
Accidentally hit the wrong button!
* Seshati *
Good ole Austria oh how I would love to travel to thee & see her beauty
SAC69, Dec 2019 here