The AK 47 was developed in what country in 1946?
Correct answer: Soviet Union

The designer of the AK was riddled with guilt for having created a weapon that has killed millions. He died a tortured soul thinking he should not have invented the rifle. The Ak is a masterwork of design and functionality. Rated as perhaps the greatest assault rifle ever created. It continues to be used world wide for its intended use. Continually adding to an already horrifying tally of kills and giving its creator more sorrow to bear in his grave.

Era Vulgaris, 'Government' doesn't pay for ANYTHING. TAXPAYERS do.

AppleA815, the AK-47 (and its variants) became popular with Americans due to its robust design and construction, coupled with its looser tolerances which allow the rifle to function under less than optimal conditions.

Player #3833664
@Player #773249, If he didnt invent someone else prob would have

Several years ago, The History Channel ran an episode which had Colonel Kalashnikov on film giving the history of his AK-47. It was labeled "47" because that was the year the Soviet military officially choice the automatic assault rifle to replace previous armaments. I remember this because I was borm in 1947.

Sometimes I wonder why I know these things.

The model of AK-47 was taken of one German rifle used by Wehrmacht during WW2.

* Seshati *
EsenMau, a similar sounding story to Sarah Winchester’s, she felt haunted by the idea of all the souls who died due to her husbands inheritance .. many will will recognise the story. The best thing to come out of the money was that as a tortured soul she created the Winchester mansion, oh man that’s a place I’d love to see, but that’s another story lol!

There were slight modifications to the AK-47 after it was produced. The new variant was called the AKM, however everyone simply refers to them as ak-47's. I own one and it is super reliable and fun and affordable to plink with.

Turkish man
CS GO terrorists win!

Isreal did not exist yet back then !!!

Russians are a race now?

RoamingSurfer31771, Interesting. Now I have to research how it became such a popular rifle for Americans.

Montana Lady
MuscularDemigod69239, the only country I've encountered with a similar gun culture to the US is Pakistan, and they've told me the same thing... at length.