The Anaconda is native to which continent?
Correct answer: South America

Hollywood loves to exaggerate. That's what sells tickets.

Are there really giant Anacondas?

Bernsoi, how about a movie called “ Super Snake vs. Mega Croc” ? There were also behemoth crocodilians in those ancient times.

Giant snakes did exist in South America in the past. The prehistoric creature Titanoboa was estimated to be about 50 feet long and as thick as a tractor tire. Downright scary and awesome ! One my favorite prehistoric critters !

The photo is not an Anaconda, it’s a Python

DRM, They cannot swallow an adult human. Those pictures have been photoshopped. No snake has a wide enough jaw to swallow adult shoulders.

The longest Green Anaconda ever confirmed was found in Southern Brazil in 2024. She measured 26 ft (7.9 m) and 440 lbs (199.9 kg). She was found by a National Geographic crew filming a documentary. She was friendly to people and they called her Ana Julia. Sadly, the crew found her dead a few weeks later. A snake expert said he thinks she was shot by hunters. She was the diameter of a small car tire, and had she been allowed to continue living, she would have continued to grow. All snakes continue to grow as long as they live. It's called indeterminate growth. The stories about anacondas more than 30 feet long come mostly from stories told by early explorers. It is possible that, back then, before foreign men came to the rain forest and started killing everything in sight, that some of the oldest snakes really were that long.

The best country in South America to see green anacondas is Brazil 🇧🇷 especially around the Amazon River.
Green Anaconda is one of my favourite snakes 🐍.

it has Spanish name.

They can swallow a man whole.

Player #97184361, 😮

the photo is not even a anaconda

Player #97184361
jenna , Yes in the Caribbean islands particularly Trinidad there have been sightings of snakes (anacondas) the sizes of fallen trees over the years. ! ! !