When was the first mobile phone produced?
Correct answer: April 3, 1973

Heartland Old Guy
So car phones were not mobile? As in they were in an autoMOBILE? Question unclear. Remember i am an old guy. I've seen things more than 40 years old. So I get to question them.

Actually, it goes further back than that. Amateur radio (Hams) originated the technology in the 60's. NOT CB! The methodology is called dual band FM in which the transmit function is done on one band and the receive is done on another. This allows "full duplex" communication in which simultaneous talk and listening occur. The other part of the technology is called Autopatch and Repeaters. One can be in a vehicle with a radio and connect with a repeater station (cell tower), which then uses Autopatch (radio to landline) to connect to the telephone network. dialing is done via a DTMF (dual tone multi frequency) encoder/decoder, which generates the tones necessary to trigger tone dialing, which also began in the 60's. Complete the picture with the use of a handheld radio and you have the first truly mobile telephone. Hams built repeaters everywhere, so as long as you were within range of one, and it has Autopatch enabled, you could make a phone call.

FunkyMonkey, Those weren't phones at all. Those were field radios.

FunkyMonkey, those were more on the frequency of CB's.

wow. that's longer ago than I expected!

FunkyMonkey, they carried two way radios

Player #85860885
Elvis was one of the 1st to have a cell phone. it was in a small suitcase like box

Apple I phone 4

Elvis had a mobile phone. Pre 1977.

you are never alone with a mobile phone.

Motorola also produced dual band radios using FM for the Amateur radio community. The peripheral technology I described was INVENTED by Amateur radio hobbyists though.

stupidgringo2450, Bag phones came out in the late 80's.

, CB's operate on the 11 MHz band using AM. So no, nothing like CB radio. At all.