How many National Football League (NFL) teams have a bird as a mascot?

Correct answer: 5

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
Player Elf Counsel, dearest elf. I'm an American who does not like sports so, I know as much about American football teams as you do. and I don't know much about soccer in the UK all I know is world soccer fever hits hard here in the US. as for the questions I think it has too many questions about the UK. I think it all evens out. so I don't worry about it anymore. Hope this helps.
Player #2546993
Player #2546993
Player Elf Counsel, STOP WHINING PLEASE!!!!!!
Rats ! I forgot about the Ravens !
Anna J
Anna J
I enjoyed the info on the mascots!
I agree that I know nothing about any sport regardless of where its played,but that was confusing for brits because we call it football not soccor and I was trying to think of British teams not much chance either way.