Who is this actor?
Correct answer: Alan Young

Ahorse is a horse of course of course

CaptainLoserNumero1, Things are still relevant even if you were not born yet. The world does not revolve around you. I loved Mr. Ed and so does my 13 year old daughter. It’s called reruns.

MoodyRider40322, He also was in the 1960 movie "The Time Machine" with Rod Taylor.

Gee Wilbur!

He played Jack Allen in Adventures in Odyssey ),:
Rest in Peace

Katelyn The Gray Astrologer
katthynana, unless of course that talking horse is the talking Mr Ed

Katelyn The Gray Astrologer
CaptainLoserNumero1, keep talking to people like that and you may not experience what it’s like to get old. Apparently never taught any manners.

Very confusing, a Canadian-American born in England...

katthynana, "people yakitty yak ...and waste the time of day...but Mr. Ed will never speak unless he's got something to say!"

he was born on the same day as me.

Mo, Filly (female young’n)

Poekneegurl, A&E program re: Mr.Ed said they put peanut butter under his upper lip to get him to movie his mouth.

Anybody remember the song Ed sang called, "The Pretty Little Philly With The Pony Tail?" We laughed so hard!

Poekneegurl, That's pretty cool. That horse was very talented.

CrayC 13
penawareof, thanks I'll have to watch that old gem again

Irishdan61, If an American married a Canadian and had their child in Mexico, that would be an example.

Katelyn The Gray Astrologer, that is, of course, unless the horse, is the famous Mr. Ed.

Player #10639782, that's NOT TRUE... they used a nylon thread...and that was only used to train him... horses are VERY smart...and Mr. Ed's trainer use to be out of camera shot & use to tap his hoof & the horse never missed a cue...eventually Mr. Ed just moved his lips when "Wilbur" stopped talking... and the thread did not go through his lips it was "taped" to it...

Irishdan61, yeah doesn't make much sense at all

Now suddenly we have the date and the year, a white background, and new graphics...does this sort of thing happen often? BTW, it's SCROOGE. No D. Unless you put it at the end.

penawareof, Oh that's right. He was.

I knew he was in Mr. Ed, but I knew his voice sounded familiar too!

Player Applezwork2
Had no idea.

Player #1098194
CaptainLoserNumero1, Get. Over. Yourself.

Player Brureb28
CaptainLoserNumero1, What a LOSER.....

North Shields is in Tyne and Wear county not Northumberland. Northumberland is further north.