What is the capital of the state of New York?
Correct answer: Albany

Would be cool to have questions about canada, africa, asia, australia, europe.

Player #118357
MoodyRider40322, I disagree. Many Americans think New York's capital is New York City. A few even think it's Manhattan.

TenseDragon91145, as a Canadian I got it right. How many Americans did?

Despite the belief of many, the world does not revolve around New York.

there's confusion because gov. Cuomo is rarely in Albany (even though he's supposed to live/work there). prefers NYC because he knows the rest of the state doesn't vote for him

Montana Lady
TenseDragon91145, I was in a random small town bar last week... someone ran in and needed to know the capitals of Uzbekistan & Armenia. So I yelled out Tashkent & Yerevan.... which led to drunk history night, on US state capitals. We (as in the entire bar) might have collectively pulled a C-.
I know my Asian capitals because college happened but who has really needed to name all of the state capitals since they were 12???

Player #14816407
Most people do not realize that New York City has a WHOLE state attached to it, with lots of history, culture, adventure, fine dining, outstanding colleges and universities AND indoor plumbing!!!

And it's the most corrupt

EccentricTreant96, I've gotten a LOT of European questions

FunkyMonkey, haha.. NY all day

Cat Mom
Qatwalk, good idea!

Cat Mom
Player #8754490, to your thinking I am probably uninformed & uneducated BUT I "know" how to spell the word know and it isn't "no"

Player #118103951
What year was it settled? The 17th century is the 1600's. I think it might be the early 1700's which would make it the early 18th century.

Player #118357 I'm from NY and have had many people assume that NYC is the capital. Some have even argued that I was wrong! 😄

EccentricTreant96, they do have these questions.

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EccentricTreant96, I regularly see questions from all parts of the world. Then they throw in a question about the US, and people want equal space. Your perception is different from mine.

Player #52940639
Player #118357, and many don’t realize that Manhattan is one of the 5 boroughs that makeup NYC.

Guillermo Jr.
New York.. a.k.a. "The Nanny State"

GaelicGal, I love Watertown. I miss the Salmon Run Mall.

EccentricTreant96, Submit some. How does one of us submit a question?

And before Albany, Kingston was the capital of New York State.

Most Of The Time I Ply
Can’t believe I reading this. In I live in Albany

Player #8754490
Player #118357, Then they are are the ignorant robotic Americans who are uninformed and uneducated and no nothing about Our History,Political System or Geography;Sadly ,they all VOTE en masse!

Capital sorry.

Most know it's Washington that is the capitol, but New York is the most talked about the place more people want to visit. So they temporarily confuse the two.

I'd never even heard of Albany!

FunkyMonkey, LMAO

Becca Sue
WaldoLydeker, and New Albany, OH

Zell. I am a female
I'm so glad I didn't put down Rochester and said Albany

Griz, Who are you speaking about?

kona kitty, Watertown born and raised!

Player #3620817, freaky??

Player #3620817
gammapeas, not everyone went to school in the freaky U.S.