Which boat was commanded by John F. Kennedy during World War II?
Correct answer: PT 109

ask not what your country can do for you
ask what you can do for your country

Sometimes you find rewards for simply being old.

kjngirlie, he saved some of his crew swimming with his back injury towing them to shore. A Great EXAMPLE of a true Hero.

When the PT109 sank, JFK was responsible for saving the others from drowning.

WiseAdmiral46308, AMEN! this should be the American attitude now. Not what can I get from the government or people, but what we can do to better our families, our neighbors and thus our nation.

Player #35387966
This was back doing the day when our presidents we're veterans. I think being a veteran is a very important attribute to serve in public service.

Player #38212577
My great uncle was one of the men on the PT109, he loved Kennedy and Thanked God for him.

that's something I dont remember about Kennedy, very cool though.

I remember that quote.

Player #15121014
DiabolicalJoker25653, He first struggled with the disease Addison's and then suffered with the serious back injury. This is why we often see JFK pics sitting in his well known rocking chair. Throughout his presidency, JFK was on numerous painkillers & received daily pain shots from his personal doctor.

Great president,, wish we had him today ..

When I was young, almost all young men served in the military. It was a rite of passage into manhood. That doesn't seem to be important to young guys today...

WiseAdmiral46308, that should still be a thing. but no one ever says that or does that it's all about what a person can get.

President Kennedy was a great man in taking care of the sailors under his command. But he was a bad PT commander. Many think he should have faced court martial.

Doc DJ
JFK the greatest President in my life time!!

Doc DJ
JFK the greatest President in my life time.

One reason I knew was because of the 1962 song "PT109" by Jimmy Dean. there was also a movie starring Cliff Robertson as JFK.

Player #22450195
DamianOfMolokai, which movie?

Who else knew because of the movie?

Player #15121014
I am so frustrated. I have read nearly everything about JFK and I got the answer wrong!!! I saw the letters PT and reacted without reading the following numbers. Arg!!!

Player #5381723
don't care

ForgetfulLuck67700, sometimes, a good deed goes UNpunished

Didn’t know this until I read his book a few years back.

ForgetfulLuck67700, t