What is a difference between an automotive gasoline engine and an automotive diesel engine?
Correct answer: There are higher compression ratios in Diesel engines

When was this written, the 1960's? Diesel passenger cars have been sold in North America for many decades. While more popular in Europe, diesel passenger cars are now enduring tighter emissions requirements due to their higher NOx levels compared to gasoline cars, and some jurisdictions are considering banning them. Industry insiders have hinted that diesel passenger cars aren't long for this world. Furthermore, fuel injection replaced carburetors decades ago in gasoline cars sold in the USA.

Used to be that diesel fuel was cheaper but today it's more expensive.

You are correct. What's really interesting is that diesel fuel is less expensive to refine. So why is it more expensive? I wonder if it's because they have to use so much extra as a lubricant before they stick it to us! (Sorry....)

luapenomis, Diesel was actually a byproduct of petrol, hence the reason it used to be so cheap. I can remember it being 50p a gallon in the UK. One diesel cars became so popular, the oil companies simply put the prices up in order to make even more money.

I'd hate to run into the rear end of the car you have in the picture!!!

I only got this one by the process of elimination!

one of the reasons tied to inflation is the inexplicable cost of diesel fuel in the past 10 years. Diesel fuel is cheaper to refine than gasoline and the vast majority of product transportation are Semi Trucks and trains. where diesel is the predominant fuel.

This is archaic information. Despite attempts by the "right" in the United States EV's are quickly growing a market share and hopefully both of those dinosaurs will be buried in the next 10-15 years.

Jonesy, we AMERICANS in Chile call it gasoline

Jonesy, gasoline, not gas per se.

eloy de guzman jr, Especially when certain European companies cheat.

Smart Kitten
Welcome the Electric cars!😎 🚘

Calabtangan' Boyoyong
missy189, correct, but still more fuel efficient reason for its popularity in the transpo industry, the only setback is the emission, credit to Sir Rudolf

Little Saint, at one time our family car was a diesel car, but our son had a regular gasoline car. He ruined the engine by running out of oil and said that it didn't occur to him, because his car sounded like ours

TurboWolf44, it very many Diesel engines in North America when you compare this with gas engines, Europe yes here not so much.

Tsegaye A.
it has a mestake

Big Trucking companies charge a fuel premium to their consignee, ( The company or people hiring the shipment of goods) also there is a NAFTA Tax. They lobby Congress in the US to raise those taxes to hurt other people without a shipping interest from using Diesel fuel.

TurboWolf44, I appreciate your bluntness, actually love it. Tell me more

Player #23184202
Player #44raeley, what????

Player #23184202
RockNRollMama82, not true. Just need to prime the fuel system/injectors.

missy189, but it last so much longer. why you think Truckers, let their Semis or Whatever idling, wherever it's permitted.

Which Tyler
RoamingSurfer31771, It's more expensive due to taxation, as it produces more harmful emissions

eloy de guzman jr
Diesels causes pollution more than gasoline

Player #1294539
fairly certain the last carburetor auto was produced in 86 ( roughly)

But a diesel engine can be converted to also run on vegetable oil. Usually filtered french fry oil, so free fuel ( or as close as it gets). Also better for the environment. Water vapor the only exhaust.

gas, liquid or a solid. I hate it when Americans call it gas, because it isn't.

Just never run out of gas in a diesel. At least that's what my high school friend told in the 1980's when her VW Rabbit ran out of diesel. She said it ruined the engine, or at least that's what her dad said.

RoamingSurfer31771, i. thought the difference was the type of fuel they use

I’ve noticed that too, but I can’t figure out why!

Clark Kent
The only option that made sense.

When I was replacing my car my only options were diesel models, annoying that now not only is the stuff dearer than petrol but I get fewer miles to the gallon.

Player #25874027
Because you use less so the Government got less in fuel tax, so they have increased the rate of tax to compensate.

Player #44raeley
if so what are muscle cars using in Europe and what does cars in Africa use wild animal blood for fuel?

littlesaint 72, I was, many years ago now, the first female to complete a vehicle repair & maintenance course, along with oxy & arc welding....you saved me the trouble of correcting them 😁

Player. Ty
I've been a Diesel Mechanic for 40+ years. I do love the Picture of the V.W. Bug Shown.😎

Davy, Livingston, Unfortunately diesel is filthy fuel that should never have been promoted to reduce carbon emissions at the expense of people's health

Ireland abú
missy189, not in Europe. Diesel much cheaper