Which name is given to the large plates which make up the Earth's crust?
Correct answer: Tectonic

I love this game! It's very informative and increases everyone knowledge!

Player #25874027
The only bigger plates on the planet are my family’s dinner plates!!

I grew up on the Ring of Fire. we had about a dozen minor quakes per year and at school we had not only Fire Drill but also Earthquake Drill.

I believe that the picture is in Iceland where the mid-Atlantic Ridge and the meeting/separation of the Eurasian and North American plates is visible.

Player #25874027, tee-hee

Cat Mom
I used the 50/50 booster & still failed my 1st question; lol looks like I'm off to a bumpy start with this level!

Tina M.
Being that I'm from California, which has had several earthquakes, I knew the answer.