What does NSAIDs stand for?
Correct answer: Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

After long-term use of NSAIDS, I wound up with severe kidney damage. Stupidly, I thought over-the-counter meds were safe.

Montana Lady
WreckingThief99838, I hope your husband is feeling much better now and also isn't in pain.
(They've also been linked to hearing loss... another reason to steer clear of them.)

AppleA815, NSAIDS do more damage to kidneys than liver, though they do still effect the liver. Acetaminophen aka Tylenol, do more damage to the liver than NSAIDS.

WreckingThief99838, unfortunately so many of us have to take it on a daily basis for pain relief. I've be n taking ibuprofen every 6 hours for 20 plus years. Can't function without it. Glad your husband is ok!

WreckingThief99838, you are so right! The one bad thing is that it will "eat" the lining of your stomach. I am so glad you husband survived. Some people ignore the symptoms and are not that lucky.

WreckingThief99838, I hope your husband is better now. It's scary that these severe risks are just recently coming to light, and they still aren't warning the public like they should, especially since many NSAIDs are available over-the-counter. They thin the blood so that with frequent use, any internal bleeding has the potential to become fatal.
They also greatly increase risk of stroke; so if you have family history of stroke, like I do, you're not supposed to take them for chronic pain. A stroke occurring in the brain, even if it is not deadly, is far more likely to have severe and permanent damage since there is more blood released from the aneurysm, filling the skull cavity and putting deadly pressure on the brain.
I read that the only NSAID that is okay to take everyday is aspirin, but any chronic pain sufferer will not find much solace in that.

Bjach, Your doctor is correct. And people using blood thinners (warfarin etc.)(anticoagulants) should not take NSAIDS as they also thin the blood.

WreckingThief99838, Indeed, they wreak havoc on your insides; stomach, intestines (upper mainly), kidneys and liver. So sorry your hubby had to endure all that.

Montana Lady, Prolonged use can cause tinnitus. And they're much worse for woman than they are men.

My doctor says they aren't good for your heart...

constantgamer0421, Well that Stinks!!

IllustratedGrrl, Also, if u take an NSAID, take it with food or milk. Something that will Coat ur stomach.

Louboo4444, Try something called Nopalea. It's an anti-inflammatory that won't/doesn't hurt ur kidneys or liver. Its kinda sweet. It's all natural, and It's an anti-ager and a cancer fighter, too!! Google it.

FaithfulReader, Me, too. I took Advil Allergy sinus 4 years, and I found out the Hard way Not to do that.

Cat Mom
therelkdc, I bet more than you think know it but yes, most people know the letters but not what they stand for

Cat Mom
MarcieR1971, For now! Prayers for you

Cat Mom
Yanaron, Oh my, prayers for you!

Cat Mom
Lionessa, Aspirin doesn't just cause mild stomach upset. It is a blood thinner & with chronic use you can get a small cut/ scrape & have a heck of time making it stop bleeding! And it can cause stomach ulcers!
But then it has wonderful benefits with moderation.. like stopping a heart attack!

Cat Mom
BamaBell, What is that?

Cat Mom
hedaben, You have my deepest sympathy but I need to say that it's doubtful that taking Tylenol & mixing with alcohol would cause Cirrhosis in 3 days. it would take longer

Cat Mom
FaithfulReader, Too much of any medicine is unsafe. It isn't the medicine, it's the over use. And, unless it was a long time ago, the label displays the risks & gives directions for safe dosages.
Although, I hope that you're doing better now!

constantgamer0421, stick with Acetylsalicylic Acid unless you're on blood thinners

My life live around avoiding NSAIDS. I have a mechanical aortic valve.

A recent study evaluated the pain-relieving properties of Tylenol and found they are equal only to the placebo. Tylenol only relieves pain if you believe it does.

Louboo4444, agreed. NOT everything you hear or read is pertaining to EVERYONE!! how about using common sense in the use of anti-inflammatory medicine.

Man my head sure is bumpin right now!

Louboo4444, my doctor is diligent about checking my organ functions to make sure to catch any issues from my meds.😊

MarcieR1971, I'm so sorry to hear that. My sister has had it a long time too. She said it is very painful.

If I didn't have to take Excedrin & Tylenol together, it would be great but, I have had Fibromyalgia since 1995 when I was 24 & I am fine.

Player #25864712
The only thing my cancer & kidney doctor said I can take is Tylenol. I try not to take them a lot because I don't want to have liver problems. I'm already in dialysis due to Januvia.

Player #22062317
turm8c takes down inflamation and willow bark works for pain too

I never knew this. Very interesting question and answer.

Player #20029488
AlSunshine1955, yes they do eat the lining of your stomach. After a recent slip and fall I was taking a lot of them to help with the pain. Ended up having stomach ulcers.

great, during the 80's the military gave Motrin like it was candy. 500mg

Be careful with these! They are designed to kill with long term use. They dissolve the lining of the stomach

Tall Granny
This one is definitely easy for me I can not take any NSAIDs due to my decreased kidney function.

never take an nsaid or tylenol with alcohol. it is a deadly combo.

my love died 11 years ago from cirrosis of the liver which he got from taking tylenol and alcohol. he lived in the country and after making it home in a horrible blizzard he fell and broke his wrist. he was stuck for 3 days due to the storm. he didnt know that that combo was a surefire death sentence. Tylenol is not harmless, and shouldnt be availble over the counter. try getting away from it anytime you are hurt, it is mixed with so many different pain killers. Why?

FaithfulReader, overuse or long term

WreckingThief99838, they make a real bad upset stomach