What U.S. State capital is only accessible by boat or plane?
Correct answer: Juneau, Alaska

OpportuneCousin2, Honolulu is accessible by roads that lead in and out of the city. The author's point is that there are no conventional roads which allow traffic to enter or exit Juneau, due to the the mountains on one end, and the coast on the other.

Player #2390852
This picture does not do the justice to the beauty of Juneau

Canis Lupus, don't just dream...do it! life is to short to say 'I wish I had'.

Taranchalanche, ferry system serves all of southeast Valdez Whittier Kodiak and Cordova
as well as Seward. The really neat thing about the ferry is that you can camp on the deck

:(Nancy E):
When I visited, they said they get questioned all the time from potential visitors wanting to know how long it takes to get there by car and their answer is “probably 20 years or more”.

mom mom
You can get to Honolulu by roads via bike, walking and of course motor vehicles really people?

I feel retarded.... Saw Alaska and pushed it before seeing there were 2 Alaska options!! Ha

Taranchalanche, the ferry system is the main blood of southeast. One thing Juneau isn’t on the main part of Alaska. Southeast is what we call here the panhandle

Canis Lupus, It's never too late.

Player #2390852, Sounds like "Juneau" what you're talking about! ;)

Kuan Tao
What about Honolulu. HI?

Juneau is the 2nd largest US city by area (physical size.) 4 of the largest US cities by area are in Alaska

Canis Lupus, just do it,, I always wanted to see Niagara Falls, I finally did it, I always wanted to learn a foreign language, I’m studying German now for 3 years, wanted to play a musical instrument, I have a piano and playing around with it but not conquered it, , please, people, do these things before time runs out,,, just saying Love from North Carolina coast,,

Player Gigi #28446253, don’t feel bad,,we all do that now and then, I did it twice yesterday, haha

I know Anchorage is not a capital.

Never knew this!

Player Quitos
Wrong. Three ways to get there: Plane, boat, and birth canal!

Player #36515774
what about Honolulu?

Poorly worded question, cause Honolulu basically fits as well. Yeah, there are roads on Oahu, but you still can't get to the roads without flying or boating to the island. Interesting fact, though, is that Oahu has 3 "interstate" highways! Govt policy allows interstate money to be used for connecting military facilities, and Oahu has a lot of those

Player #29793410
I grew up in Anchorage, I had better known the correct answer.

2 Alaska's.

Player Gigi #28446253
808stevan1, nope can't get there from anywhere, the hwys aren't built yet for easy travel.

Player Gigi #28446253
Canis Lupus, there is still time!

Player Gigi #28446253
Guillermo, but it is still a small town, but beautiful and fun to visit!

Player Gigi #28446253
I am so mad! I knew this and hit the wrong button 😒

cool fact is is larger than Rhode Island

oops,I saw Alaska and clicked it but didn't pay attention to the city!!

Canis Lupus
The two places I have dreamed of visiting and possibly living are Colorado and Alaska. My daughter has visited one and lives in the other. I never made it to either one...darn it!

:(Nancy E):
Taranchalanche, Marine Highway is a ferry system run by the state.

yes, Honolulu applies too