What type of dog was Beethoven from the series of the same name?

Correct answer: St. Bernard

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What people think about it: 9 Comments
Dalia, always wonder what the barrel was for
Player JD
Player JD
Dalia, Always heard it was rum.
Nico Robin
Nico Robin
It is really funny when he was a puppy…lol
Nico Robin
Nico Robin
Lady butterfly, that’s sad…
Nico Robin
Nico Robin
I love Beentoven so much!
St Bernard is a English breed? it is loyal I know that much it was known to be a holy dog we know in the world we have farms argiculture horticulture ect.
They rescue people so they carry around his neck a little barrel with water to assist them
Player #130998363
Player #130998363
small dogs live longer
Lady butterfly
Lady butterfly
Love St. Bernard’s. Unfortunately they don’t have a long lifespan