In which movie was the song ‘Let’s go fly a kite’?
Correct answer: Mary Poppins

Classic! They shouldn’t have bothered with a sequel though! Call me old fashioned but Julie Andrews will always be Mary Poppins!! Cor Blimey!!!

Nerak 7
Liked the original and liked the second one. I will always like Julie Andrew’s and he voice.. no one will replace that. They will always make remakes and it was a delight to see the movie back at the theater

Julie Andrews is my all time favorite as is Mary Poppins. It took a couple times of watching a second one, but I like it too of course it’ll never replace the first one, but the one where they sing on stage about a book is really good with the guy that wrote Hamilton.

Dalia, want a simple kite made, sticks straws and baking paper.

BrainTek , laugh I told my children about the garlic trick!

Today's parents could learn a lot from this movie. #dontgiveintocellphonesforchildcare

a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down....

kk, I like the song feed the birds that's the one that I cry at

J, ditto ditto ditto I so agree with you and when I was a teenager and I had my own record player I swear I knew every single word to every single song no kidding

definition of awesome
i watched that yesterday

Wonderful movie. I dearly loved the backstory movie "Saving Mr. Banks" even more. Still can't get through it without crying.

Flying kites were more popular in 60's but now some children play in some events