What is the longest river in Pakistan?
Correct answer: Indus

Player Turtle Rox
Areeha Suhail, I think the photo of the River still looks very pretty.

Areeha Suhail
Player #2783169, you better...pakistan is a very cheap,yet beautiful country..the above given is the least attractive photo of the Indus River..in reality..it is B-E-A-Utifulll

Areeha Suhail
Iron, it originates from Kashmir and falls into the sea (Indian ocean)

Sufyan ullah
Our pakistan is so beautifull
May pakistan live long(Ameen)

chirag, yes because then India was vaster country with pakistan and parts of Afghanistan to joined unfortunately for the partition we are now 2 countries hating each other

koteshsandhya, the Arabian Sea is part of the Indian Ocean 🙂

India got its name from indus river but a very small part of indus flow in India..

Areeha Suhail, it drains into the Arabian sea...

Player #76774420
Areeha Suhail, not kashmir, high up from Tibetan plateau, monsorawar lake.

noor ullah
BFF of love, where are you from in Pakistan I am from district mohmand

noor ullah
Areeha Suhail, you're right 👍

noor ullah
Areeha Suhail, where are you from I'm Pakistani

The Indus river was a way of source for the people of Indus Valley civilization.

Sufyan ullah, Ameen

BFF of love
I am also from Pakistan and I love Pakistan

Falah Baro
first time I have seen a game which includes my country Pakistan alot cause most of the people and country never talk about us we don't hate anyone just once visit our country meet our people and you will see that we don't hate anyone. Pakistan's food is amazing you should try it specially biryani and our northern areas are full of Beauty you should visit Pakistan my country and I am sure you will love it

kevin lyster
easy pezy

can please some one tell me who make this game and were does he belong to

nana ami
Sufyan ullah, hi babe

zara malik
I was very easy

And This Revers Passes from my City😌🥰

Areeha Suhail, if you are bts army 🇰🇷 saranghae

Areeha Suhail, i am Anum from Pakistan

aqdus Ibrahim
hard but good level to practice your mind

Muhammad Ahmad
Areeha Suhail, hi

I'm proud to be a Pakistani cuz it is very beautiful country and full of nature , that u must visit

Afaq Ahmed
India should respect Indus Water treaty.

Stefan, l also🥰

lava player
Areeha Suhail, nobody could disagree or dislike this comment

Sufyan ulla agree

aaira hashmi
zoraiz , yes

A beautiful country pakistan.. Please add more question regarding Pakistan

Happy to see they have quizz of most countries and increasing in my knowledge

I just guessed the answer and it is correct Indus this river goes India to Pakistan